This crap sucks and there's nothing I can do about it.....



  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Ditch the scales, and buy a tape measure! You'll be amazed at how much your actually losing in inches. During your TOM, our weight goes up and down a lot. So like someone else said, eat the cheeseburger and enjoy it. :)
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Here is what I do, I weigh every day. If it's down, I log it. If it's even, I don't bother logging it. If it's up, I'll give myself 1 week to lose it before I log it. Once a month, I take pictures and measure for comparison sakes. Some months I don't lose hardly at all, but my measurements are down. It's keeps me motivated even when the scale isn't changing.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I'm right there with you! Everyday is different on the scale, and most days were not good numbers. I finally had to just step away from the scale. I only weigh once a week now and even those weigh in numbers suck sometimes. Try not to get discouraged. Remember that you are working toward a goal, it's not easy work, it is damn hard! It's going to take time, and there will be hills to climb.
    As far as the cheeseburger (or whatever it is next time) if you REALLY want it, have it. And adjust the rest of your meals accordingly. BUT if you only want the cheeseburger because you are frustrated, don't give in. That is the difference between being able to make a life change, or not. If you are anything like me, when I get stressed, all I want to do is eat. And that is part of the reason that I am as big as I am now. And the stress is not helping your weight loss either. You can get through this.
    Hang in there, it has to get better. Right?!?

    Great advice, that's totally the only reason I want to eat badly sometimes. I just want to rebel because I'm like "well *kitten* it's not working anyway so I'll have the fatty stuff!" When I'm not even craving it or wanting it!

    Again, thanks to all of ya'll for your help. I've already read all of this twice. Ya'll are the best!!!!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You can lose weight despite TOM. You just have to be patient and stop weighing yourself 10 times a day when you know you're bloated. I've battled it for 5 months and still lost the weight I wanted to. If you give up now, you're no better off when you started. But, if you can just tell yourself your weight will be up and stop recording your weight when you know you're bloated, you'll be fine. If you're craving a cheeseburger have one. One day/ one meal in a week won't kill you. Just don't let yourself completely go back to your old habits. Give yourself a cheat meal to look forward to once a week and do the right things the rest of the time.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Discouraged...want to quit but I know I can't. Don't lose any weight for like 2 weeks around TOM and I can't handle it. Trying my hardest and I step on the scale this morning and it says even more than last week >.< But I can wait 30 minutes and get on again and it goes down like 1 to 1.5 lbs...I'm so confused and all I want is just to be happy and I am NOT F'ING HAPPY! >.< I don't know what else to do, and this site is the only reason I'm not just saying f*** it and having a cheeseburger right now >.< UGH!!!!!!

    Definitely stop weighing. Start taking your measurements once a month. I know that's even harder in a way because you have to wait SO long to see if there's results but happiness can't be found in your scale. Happiness is found in self control and personal strength!

    You CAN do this!
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    I hope I don't offend anyone when I say - THE SCALE IS THE DEVIL. As others have said on here, measurements are a more accurate measure of your progress. I know that during TOM you tend to retain water (hence the fun bloated feeling) so that can lead to weight gain. I ALSO have a great deal of experience with the emotional toll TOM takes. I find it's much easier to get discouraged then than any other time. What helps me, once I finally realize I'm being hugely emotional and melodramatic, is to take a big deep breath, blame everything (mood, weight, etc) on TOM and tell myself tomorrow will be better. I allow myself to have a bad day once in a while - because hey, we're just human! And you know..usually the next day IS better :) Good luck to you and stick with it - if you need some inspiration take a look at some of the before and after pics on here! WOW! :)

    You go girl!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Discouraged...want to quit but I know I can't. Don't lose any weight for like 2 weeks around TOM and I can't handle it. Trying my hardest and I step on the scale this morning and it says even more than last week >.< But I can wait 30 minutes and get on again and it goes down like 1 to 1.5 lbs...I'm so confused and all I want is just to be happy and I am NOT F'ING HAPPY! >.< I don't know what else to do, and this site is the only reason I'm not just saying f*** it and having a cheeseburger right now >.< UGH!!!!!!

    Having your 'happiness' depend on a scale will never work. Happiness comes from within. A scale is simply a tool of measurement, have you tried a tape measure, they never lie like scales can. :noway: Scales go up and down all day and really shouldn't be our end all be all in life. It only causes ppl to be miserable when one bases everything on what a scale says or doesn't say.:ohwell: