You'll never guess, but I'm new here

Hey all, like the forum says, I am new around here. I have been tracking my food and exercise for a little over a week now. So far, I am loving it. I can be a little obsessive at times, so being able to track everything easily from wherever I am is great. Tracking what I eat greatly assists me in controlling what I eat. I definitely have numerous eating issues (eat when I’m bored, major sweet tooth, love fatty, greasy, and fast food), so being accountable to even a website helps with those.

I don’t have a whole lot to lose. Right now I would like to get from my current 176 down to under 160. I’ll probably reassess when I get there, but it’s more of a mirror thing than anything else. I’ve never looked forward to summer and having to take my shirt off to go to the beach. I’ve recently come to grips with the fact that I’ll never have a body worthy of being on the cover of a Men’s Health magazine, but I’d at least like to get rid of the spare tire if that is going to be the case.

Looking forward to learning and losing with the rest of you.