Losing and Half Marathon?



  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    You can lose weight while training for a half. Make sure you aren't over compensating with your diet. I lost 8 lbs while training for a half last year eating a moderate diet (I didn't track calories at that point) with 4 days of running a week averaging between 20-25 miles per week, two days of resistance training and yoga for runners after all my runs. I have been training for another half for 6 weeks and have lost 8lbs so far, but I did end up with pneumonia 2 weeks ago which is responsible for at least 3 lbs of the loss. Half marathon training is the only effective way I have found to lose weight actually.
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    You shouldn't be training and trying to lose weight at the same time. Athletic training requires you to fuel your body properly, without calorie deficits. You're quite likely to lose inches, but should not be focusing on losing weight during your training. Try having a protein shake after long runs to provide quick protein to keep you feeling full. Wait a bit and drink water, then re-evaluate your hunger. It really helps me :)

    Don't think you can make such a blanket statement about everybody. Who says you can't be training and trying to lose weight? I appreciate that if you are very close to your goal weight then it's not necessarily a good idea, but for those of us who fuel our bodies properly, and also have a lot of weight to lose, why on earth not? I eat in excess of 2000 calories on running days, I'm hardly going to expire am I?