Knees not the best

NSP85 Posts: 27
edited January 18 in Fitness and Exercise
So I'm going into week 10 of my 10k training clinic and I think it's starting to catch up on me. Now before you wonder about my shoes, I have been wearing the Nike frees for about 3 years now, they're light weight and with my bunions the stictching doesn't rub in the wrong spot. I also grew up doing highland dancing since the age of 3 so my feet and legs have always been super strong.

But this is the first time I've trainned for a 10k. 3 years ago I ran a few 10ks and 5ks in my community and I've always been out there running by myself but haven't training like this ever. I'm running 3 times a week with the group, our time and distance has increased. We did 73 minutes yesterday and the longer I run, the more my knees feel it.

I pushed myself hard this week, doing my 3 runs with my group and 1 extra run with my bf and a gym day when i lifted weights and did leg exercises. I felt my knees somewhat struggling when i was doing squats with weights but i pushed through it.

Icing seems to have helped a bit this week, tiger bomb too and i'm avoiding wearing heels at work this week but i'm starting to think that maybe i should cut my intervals down. Rather than running 40 mins, 1min break and 20 mins, i should do shorter intervals for the time being. We're running on cement each week too.

I'm just looking for some friendly advice for getting my knees stronger. I worry too that my weight - I'm about 25 pounds overweight is putting a lot of pressure on my knees.


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    I felt my knees somewhat struggling when i was doing squats with weights but i pushed through it.
    This line stuck out to me. You may want to double-check your squat form. Typically, when one does squats, if they are going hips to parallel (or really darn close) and then go up with the weight on the heels, then there's little impact on the knees itself. If you're not going deep enough, then some of the weight is transferred to your knees (and not your hamstrings, where it should be hitting). Also, check how the knees are pointed and if they are going out at an angle (and not directly in front of you). Check out some videos of squats (, t-nation, etc.) just to confirm that your form is good. Maybe even video-record it on a camera phone and check back. When I was first doing barbell squats, I thought I was going parallel, but after recording my session, I saw that I wasn't getting deep enough.

    I don't do a lot of running, so hopefully some other people can provide some feedback in that area.

    I hope your knees get to feeling better!
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    1) What surface are you training on? If you have increased mileage and are on asphault or cement, that could be too much. If you aren't already, try to run on softer surfaces if you are able
    2) How many miles do you have on your current shoes? It may be that they are the right shoes but are worn out with the increased mileage
    3) How well are you stretching after? I am training for a 1/2 and am also having knee pain. I started stretching more often following a long run--right after and also later and have noticed a decrease. Make sure you are cooling down and stretching a lot--particularly the IT band.
    4) Where is the pain--inside your knee or in an area you can actually touch and feel discomfort? That would tell a whole lot as well.
  • NSP85
    NSP85 Posts: 27
    We're running on cement at the moment 3xs a week. I just purchsed a new pair of shoes (dated them with a permanent marker so i can switch them up appropriately). I think i'm also doing a good amount of stretching aftewards but maybe i should add some stretching on my days off.

    I'm really thinking it's the running on the cement, the pounding on my knees. I think a few rest days will help and shortening down my intervals.
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    Bump, for later!
  • CeCe_711
    CeCe_711 Posts: 35
    hey there - you're going to get a ton of different advice from people on here. really, head to a physical therapist or sports medicine doctor to see if there is something going on. i have ran my whole life and last year during training i injured my knees and i was out for a whole fricken season. go to your doctor and see what they have to say, you really don't want to mess around with your knees! but i do agree with the icing! REALLY helps with everything. also, ice baths. i hate them. and love them. good luck!!
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Yes, cement is soooo hard on your body. If you can, try to get somewhere softer. I don't know what's available to you so ask your group.
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