Doing a 40 mile walk,any advice for food/snacks etc?


Wasn't sure whether to post here or in food/nutrition but hopefully someone on this board can advise.

I am doing a 40 mile charity walk on May 8th and am wondering what sort of foods to take with me, that are going to give me the best chance of completing the walk :) I have done it twice before but the latest was 15 years ago and I can't remember what I took with me,( well actually the first time I did it I survived for 20 miles on water and 6 energy tablets as was seperated from my support vehicle, don't really want to do that again!)

I am already relatively fit but so far my longest practice walk has been for about 15 miles, which I only had a bottle of water and an ice-lolly during it.

The site for the walk says to snack on chocolate, I don't mind eating SOME chocolate but don't really want to be eating it at every check-point because although its good for an energy burst, it's really high in fat. I know bananas are good too but could probably only stomach 2 of those in a day.

At the half-way point you are given a free burger, which while not a healthy option I am going to eat it as I feel I will have deserved it :)

I thought perhaps I should take nuts? cereal bars maybe? dextro-energy tablets and sports drinks? any other suggestions for easy snacks?

Also if anyone could recommend some decent pants that wont keep going up my backside and driving me crazy!!

Thanks a lot


  • LizCornelius
    wow first off I have to say this is amazing that you are doing this. If I were to do this I would bring snacks that are easy to carry such as apples or other types of fresh fruit , 90 cal granola bars, rice cakes, anything like that. But this post really motivates me. Good luck on your walk!!!!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member


    If you go into any health store you'll find some really good energy bars x
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    What about dried bananas instead of fresh ones? Or any dried fruit if you like it?

    They always sell Kendal Mint Cake in hiking shops, I can't stand the stuff, but my brother goes hiking quite a lot and swears by it!!

    Good luck with it anyway, i'm so impressed you're doing it! !! :bigsmile:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Drop the diet for that day. That's a lot of stress to put on your body. When I run, I eat peanut butter on crackers and a piece of fruit. Clementines are great for energy and hydration. Take several bottles of water with you. You're going to need it.
    Oh my goodness you are one brave lady. Just eat a nice big meal the night before and make sure you keep yourself hydrated during your walk.
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    Breakfast - Worth having some pasta before you get started, Pasta for breakfast sounds odd but it will fill you up and keep you full for a while, don't overdo it though.

    Snacks - Banana's. They are a miracle fruit. Slow release energy that really helps your body.

    Plenty of water.

    If you eat during the walk proper then don't worry about how much you eat, plenty of proteins and don't avoid the carbs as your body will need them for working so hard.

    As for the 'pants' get some cycling shorts and wear something light over the top :)

    Good luck!
  • MeganJo
    MeganJo Posts: 69
    Dried fruit is always good, I always eat a handful of raisins before I go run and it always gives me the boost I need. Also in high school (I swam 500 m) right before my races in swim I'd eat a couple packets of honey and that always kept me going. I've never looked into how healthy the honey is so you might want to check that out before you take my advice lol. Good luck on your walk, that is awesome!