Anybody had their gallbladder removed?

n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
I had my first gallbladder attack yesterday, and if you've ever had one I don't need to tell you that it's the most painful thing I think a human being can ever experience. So, I have a bunch of gall stones, and an appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday. I'm scared to death to have a surgery, but also scared to death to ever hurt like that, ever again. So, pro's? Con's? They said with the severity of the attack, they will definitely want to remove it, but, what are the odds I'll have another one?


  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,129 Member
    I had mine removed. Life has been much better since.

    If it's an option, you have insurance and can afford a little time off of work, I say go for it. The doc messed up with me, and recovery took almost a month, and I was in pain quite a but, but still worth it.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I had mine removed and outside a certain digestive side effecf when I eat more fat than usual, it was the right decision.
  • ejbraun
    ejbraun Posts: 93 Member
    I had mine removed a few years back and it was well worth it. I was in and out of the ER with attacks before they figured out it was my gallbladder. They kept telling me it was acid reflux/GERD until finally I had an ultrasound and they found out it was my gallbladder.
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member
    I had my first gallbladder attack yesterday, and if you've ever had one I don't need to tell you that it's the most painful thing I think a human being can ever experience. So, I have a bunch of gall stones, and an appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday. I'm scared to death to have a surgery, but also scared to death to ever hurt like that, ever again. So, pro's? Con's? They said with the severity of the attack, they will definitely want to remove it, but, what are the odds I'll have another one?

    I take vicodin for those attacks.

    Seriously, I do. The pain is so horrible that nothing stops it except hardcore pain killers.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    HAVE IT REMOVED!!! I had mine takesn out years ago via laparoscopic surgery. Basically 3 holes on your abdomen area and they laser that bad boy and pluck it out. 2 days of recovery time!!!!:bigsmile:

    I remember those pains though before the removal. It was horrible. I cant believe I put up with it for so long!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Im talking months. I remember one time after eating Enchiladas was the worst......
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Absolutely remove it. It has become a come and go procedure now. You dont even spend the night in the hospital. Well, I did spend the night, but I had a really sweet surgeon and I asked if I could.....The procedure was not painful, nor was recovery. It was slightly uncomfortable after but from the gas.... Walking a lot helps get rid of it.
  • jeceke
    jeceke Posts: 136 Member
    I had mine out 15 years ago and it was a piece of cake. Didn't take any of my pain meds and was up and around after a couple of days rest.
  • Leah_Alexis
    Leah_Alexis Posts: 139 Member
    I've had mine removed a couple years ago. Pain was horrible. I'd have attacks so severe that I wasn't able to breathe. Finally after 8 months of suffering I finally got my surgery. I'd rather give birth again x10. Seriously. The surgery itself was fine. Recovery was fine.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I took my daughter to the ER on Friday morning because she was in so much pain, she couldn't sleep and couldn't stop puking green stuff. The tests showed a lot of gallstones and on Friday night they removed her gallbladder. Said it was very inflamed and definitely needed to be removed. They also said it was unusual in someone so young (she's 19). Although I had mine out when I was 18, so not that unusual in our family. She was released from the hospital on Saturday afternoon and is doing pretty well. She's been doing nothing but resting on the couch and watching tv, but her pain/discomfort tolerance is very low.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I've had mine removed a couple years ago. Pain was horrible. I'd have attacks so severe that I wasn't able to breathe. Finally after 8 months of suffering I finally got my surgery. I'd rather give birth again x10. Seriously. The surgery itself was fine. Recovery was fine.

    How far apart were your attacks once you started getting them? I've had two mild, and the one huge, life shattering, worst pain ever one. I'm terrified it will happen again before the surgery.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Apparently I am the only one who feels you should get a second opinion. Honestly.

    My sister went to the hospital for what she thought was a gallbladder attack. The doctors told her that's what it was and they said that she HAD to have it removed. She got a second opinion and found out that she actually had celiacs. While I am sure that is not the case with you I highly recommend a second opinion. Gallbladder surgery is not something to screw around with.
  • jessiwebb
    jessiwebb Posts: 31 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed 7 years ago. It started with back pain and when I went for an ultrasound, they said I had a few gallstones. I met with a surgeon a week later and scheduled surgery for two weeks from that appointment. Halfway to the surgery, I had a massive gallbladder attack that left me in a LOT of pain. The hospital sent me home, saying it was a gallbladder attack and that I was not, as I thought, dying, lol. Then, I went in or surgery and when I woke up, the nurse told me that had they waited any longer to do the surgery, my gallbladder may have torn/exploded/whatever the medical term is. My gallbladder had literally doubled in size and was filled with stones.

    Ever since having it removed, I've felt a LOT better. I recovered from surgery in less than a week. It's uncomfortable, but you'll live :)
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Apparently I am the only one who feels you should get a second opinion. Honestly.

    My sister went to the hospital for what she thought was a gallbladder attack. The doctors told her that's what it was and they said that she HAD to have it removed. She got a second opinion and found out that she actually had celiacs. While I am sure that is not the case with you I highly recommend a second opinion. Gallbladder surgery is not something to screw around with.

    Oh, I will be, I have an appt with a specialist in the morning, who will look over my imaging and test results separate from the ER doctor.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I had a bunch of small ones I guess. The Dr. said it looked "gravelly" in there. Which in my mind means, more of them are going to try and pass? Because I agree, there's no one that can tell you you aren't dying, or make you at least wish for death a little.
  • phillrachel
    I had mine removed in a few years ago when I was pregnant with my second child. A few small incisions in my stomach. It is an out patient surgery but try to schedule on a Thursday or Friday and don't go into work until Monday at least. I had to stay overnight since I was pregnant as a precaution. Also, it was more painful than I expected it to be for an outpatient but by Tuesday I was 100% again. I wish I would have taken Monday off work.

    I had only one attack and it sent me to the ER since I had massive chest pains. I thought I was having a heart attack at 28 years old. They ran a ton of tests in the ER and couldn't figure it out but I agree you feel like you are going to die! Not only from all those tests did I learn I needed my gallbladder out I was informed I have a huge mass on my liver likely caused by birth control pills. Lovely to know!
  • Deadra78
    Deadra78 Posts: 33
    I had a gall stone issue while I was pregnant with my daughter - ended up having to have it removed while still preggers - Although the pain issue was resolved immediatly I have never been the same - This next part is kind TMI but it's the major issue - so I apologize. Bathroom issues are INSANE - eating is a joke - I eat I'm in the bathroom 5 seconds later. I almost always feel like I'm going to crap my pants! (PS How does a person who cant keep food in more the 30 mins end up fat I'll never understand) LOL

    With that said I have also had a complete hystorectomy and cancer so perhaps that all plays a roll as well. But I will say IF you can avoid removal! Try!

    I'm a firm beleive in surgery is to be avoided at all costs (when possible)
    But this also from someone who is 34 and had 12+ operations for things ranging from cysts, gall stone, etc to stage 3 cancer.

    Anywho, hope you are feeling better since the GB issue - I know how very painful it can be - Sidenote: there are lots of foods that make it worse so be mindful of that as well.

  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    This next part is kind TMI but it's the major issue - so I apologize. Bathroom issues are INSANE - eating is a joke - I eat I'm in the bathroom 5 seconds later. I almost always feel like I'm going to crap my pants! (PS How does a person who cant keep food in more the 30 mins end up fat I'll never understand) LOL

    I had the EXACT same problems. I wouldn't even go to a sit-down restaurant unless we were coming home immediately after. If we were traveling by car somewhere, I wouldn't eat until we got to our hotel or our destination. It was awful. But once I started trying to lose weight, started eating healthier foods (a lot more veg/fruit), eating regular meals and drinking a lot of water, it cleared up to the point that its not even an issue anymore.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    had mine out a few years ago. the stone was so big it was the size of the gall bladder. the attacks were horrible. there was a mix up and i didnt get the surgery for two months, went thru horrible pain in that time.

    get it out. no sense not to.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Mine is gone too. I had horrible attacks I thought were gas or maybe IBS. Turned out to have a gallbladder full of stones. Mine was laposcopic (sp?) and very quick and simple. I went home the same day. I was hurting mildly, enough to want to stay in bed for 2 days after. The worst part was gas pain because after surgery that happens frequently. make sure you have some gas x or similar. I don't have any problems since. I eat what i want, no issues at all.
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I had mine removed a year ago this May. Mine started as GERD and progressed. Sonogram images really looked nasty though. I am happy with my decision. Out patient procedure, I only took pain meds for 2.5 days. I had surgery on a Friday and was back to driving that Monday.

    Good luck.