Cold, Depressed and Hungry



  • dubster
    dubster Posts: 35 Member
    Move to a warmer climate....... Pour yourself a Brandy ............ Eat anything with melt in its name .... and be WARM .... HAPPY ... and comfortably FULL.....
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Hot tea with a little bit of honey!! Lots of hot tea!
  • scarlette2358
    scarlette2358 Posts: 6 Member
    Relax, cozy up in a blanky or robe. If you have a little time just close your eyes and take a short nap or just relax. If I feel like eating out of boredom I will chew a fruity sweet gum. The taste let's me forget about the food. If I am hungry but only want a snack I LOVE celery and garlic hummus. Celery is a negative calorie food and if you find a good natural hummus it's only 50 cals per 2 tablespoons and since it's high in protein it will fill you up! I would also suggest tea or how lemon water if you're not a tea drinker.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Drink some water, if you still feel hungry, then you should probably eat something. If you are hungry while trying to lose weight, then you are not doing it right. I didn't look at your diary so I don't know your limits or your habits, but perhaps it could use a little tweaking if you are not feeling right.

    I'm currently doing the 30-day squat challenge and I've noticed when I come into work and I'm cold, a set of 25 or so squats gets my blood pumping and warms me up. Do a little exercise. The endorphins released from the exercise may also help your depression.

    Without knowing what you are depressed about, it's hard to know what to suggest. Try calling a friend or watching a movie to distract you. Perhaps you are just lonely.

    I felt similarly this past weekend. It was a dreary, gray day and I was home alone and feeling drained. I took a 20 minute nap. When the sun started to peek out, I went for a two mile walk with my favorite music. I came home had a bite to eat and felt a lot better. I watched a movie until my partner came home. We had dinner with family (including dessert). I felt MUCH better. Give yourself a break and a small indulgence, if you need one. Get back to it tomorrow. No harm done. If you are too strict with this, you won't stick to it.

    I hope you get your groove back soon.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    When I have felt this way this winter I try to drink something warm, yet not really high in calories. Chicken Noodle Soup, Tomato Soup, Vegetable soup, with lots of liquid. Sip slowly, really slowly, and enjoy the warmth in your hand and the taste in your mouth for as long as you can. I also sip water as I sip the soup. I try to get as much liquid in me as possible and it warms me up too.