I want to go run right now but I can't because...

emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
I'm scared that I'll get stress fractures again from increasing my mileage too much. I'm doing a Hal Higdon marathon training plan. I hate all other forms of exercise but I do force myself to do strength training twice per week to help me build a strong base for running. Should I just do what I want and go running, consequences be damned?


  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    Short answer? No.

    I upped my mileage too fast and ended up having to have physio twice a week for MONTHS to fix the damage I did to my knees.

    Lay the base, my friend, lay the base.
  • rfuchs
    rfuchs Posts: 55 Member
    Nope, I ended up with a stress fracture last fall and it really sucks. Be patient, I guarantee it will be worth the wait.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    No. definately not! I upped my mileage way to fast late last year just because of the pure joy of running and I have been on the injury bench now for 3 1/2 months. Not worth it. If I had gone about it the right way I would have run another 400+ miles by now and my German Shepherd would be much, much happier. Go slow and build your distances according to the plan. Once you are there you will be able to continue to enjoy running all that much more but wait it out to get there....it will go a lot faster than you think!
  • kdkyzer
    kdkyzer Posts: 137 Member
    Have you been cleared by your doctor to run? If so, then you can run. I've used Hal's plans to train for all of my half marathons and both of my full marathons. He developed a 3 running-day-a week plan that might be a good fit for you. He used to call it novice 3...but I think he may have changed the name. It's longer than the traditional 18 week training plan, so, although I haven't looked at the plan in a while, it may enable you to build up your mileage more gradually.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Have you been cleared by your doctor to run? If so, then you can run. I've used Hal's plans to train for all of my half marathons and both of my full marathons. He developed a 3 running-day-a week plan that might be a good fit for you. He used to call it novice 3...but I think he may have changed the name. It's longer than the traditional 18 week training plan, so, although I haven't looked at the plan in a while, it may enable you to build up your mileage more gradually.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!

    I have been running for 8 months and at one point my mileage was 25 miles per week. I'm already doing a 30 week marathon training plan because I injured both of my feet and was out of commission for 2 months. I just want to not care about that and go running anyway because I'm going crazy and despise gym equipment of any kind.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    By the way, thanks for all the advice guys. I know I need to build a better base. I just wish I could run 50+ miles per week, every week. FOREVER.