Fell off the wagon AGAIN

I started a diet on January 7th and by March 1st I had lost a total of 30 pounds. However since then I have fallen off the wagon numerous times and can't get my act together. I have also stopped doing my elliptical. Can anyone tell me what they have done to get themselves back on track ? I am trying to start again today but it doesn't seem promising... :ohwell: Thanks.


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    do you want to be hot or not?
    pull yourself together!
  • javonjay76
    javonjay76 Posts: 48 Member
    I know how you feel! I'm in the same boat! It's been hard getting myself together as well. Just know you're not alone! :flowerforyou:
  • benbrooke42
    Thanks. Yes I definitely would like to be HOT, especially at my age!
  • yankee_grl
    Hop on up on this wagon. We saved a seat for you. I think it is normal to get bored with diet and exercise and we all stumble at times. Maybe think about changing up your food. Try some new recipes. Try something new with exercise that you haven't done before. Shake things up a bit. And whatever you do.....keep trying.
  • LazyGuy91
    LazyGuy91 Posts: 171 Member
    I think that has happened to everyone at some point or another, but in the end there ain't nuttin to it but to do it!
  • Jedil
    Jedil Posts: 62
    I would advise you to change your paradigm from "I have to lose weight" to "I am making a life style change." You need to get to a place where you embrace the fact that you are changing your life by changing how and what you eat and that exercise is part of your every day life. Exercise is not a grind, it is a fact of life and is the means to a more fulfilling life. These things become who you are instead of just to lose weight (which you will do, but instead of a temporary thing, you will be fit for life). I can tell you that when I changed my paradigm to this, it took the pressure off the weight loss part of this journey and replaced it with a sense of well being and contentment of who I was becoming and who I will be for the rest of my life. I hope this helps and I hope it does not come across as preachy or sappy.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    I am finding myself struggling as of late, too. The best advice I can give is to not overthink it. Do something today that is healthy for your body. Make it something you feel you can do without feeling drained for having done it. If the elliptical is too mentally tasking, forget it today but don't let today pass you by. It doesn't have to be monumental or awe-inspiring -- just do something and don't let what progress you've made and what progress you have yet to make be part of the thought process. Every day is a clean slate.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    As long as the wagon didn't run over you it's easy enough to hop back on.

    One thing that works well for me is to not think of it as "being on a diet" which is a negative. I instead think of it as leading a healthier lifestyle (a positive). I know it may seem silly but that change in mindset can work wonders.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You went on a diet. That's the problem. It's leading a healthy lifestyle. Period. End of story. Gotta plan, plan, plan on food and on scheduling in exercise. Make you a priority. I would give up too if my exercise was the elliptical. :-) Group exercise changed my life. I started taking different classes at my gym. The group mentality was fun and pushed me farther than if I was alone. I got to try new things....spinning...Bodypump, yoga, dance classes...so it never got boring. I started to make friends with the other members in the classes...and lots 40 pounds. This was back in 2009. Cut to...I'm now the teacher of those classes and it's now my healthy lifestyle. I log my cals and I go to the gym 6 days a week.

    Losing weight is hard. Maintaining is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard. GO!!!
  • invermont25
    invermont25 Posts: 38 Member
    I tell myself every day that this isn't a race. I have no time frame that i HAVE to lose the weight in. Of course I have my own "goals" for time but just because I don't reach them doesn't mean I've failed. As of next month this is a 3 year journey I've been on. I'm 70lbs lighter, though I still have 15 or so left and I'll get there eventually. I've fallen off and crawled back on many times. As long as you keep trying to make it a lifestyle change and not a punishment, you'll keep getting up. :)
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I stopped dieting and changed my lifestyle. Diets only work while you're on them, but fail when you return to the real world or old habits. Eat only when hungry, stop before you're full, and eat smaller portions of the foods you love, so you won't feel deprived. After 16 months, I've not had one "cheat" day because nothing is off limits. I simply make choices based on whether a food fits into my calorie budget for the day. If it does not, then I can either trade it for something else if I'd rather, or I can work out to burn the extra calories, or I can opt out and plan for it another day. All choices that helped me reach my goal (and then some) and keep it off. I've found that I've let go of many of my old habits and standard meals because once I knew how many calories they contained, I decided that they weren't worth it. For example, cheese enchiladas were my standard order at Mexican Food restaurants, but once I realized that one meal contained 2 days worth of calories, I had to make a choice. Order the same, and eat only 1/4 - 1/3 of it, eat 1/2 and skip the chips, or order something different. I realized that I enjoy chicken fajitas (without the tortilla) just as much at a much lower calorie cost. At McDonald's, the Big Mac was my go-to burger, but I actually enjoy the small hamburger w/ light mayo and small fry just as much and don't have any of the residual bad feelings associated with over-eating.

    I also recommend using hypnosis to change your mental image of yourself. While I don't eat clean by strict definitions, I see myself as a person that continuously makes choices that will benefit me in maintaining my weight. Because this is how I see myself and has become a part of who I am, I make choices that are consistent with this belief...I choose to exercise, and I choose to eat within my calorie budget, and as I result I continue to weigh less than my goal and to easily fit into my new wardrobe.
  • Bigblondelady
    Bigblondelady Posts: 56 Member
    I started a diet on January 7th and by March 1st I had lost a total of 30 pounds. However since then I have fallen off the wagon numerous times and can't get my act together. I have also stopped doing my elliptical. Can anyone tell me what they have done to get themselves back on track ? I am trying to start again today but it doesn't seem promising... :ohwell: Thanks.
    i could just sign my name to this and be done. I am looking for the same kick start. Great job thus far and good luck on your life journey to healthy you
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    get back on as many times as it takes. Falling off doesn't matter.....it is climbing back on that counts!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Just do it. Don't over think it, just do it. Seriously. Fall 7 times, get up 8.
  • foot2wood
    foot2wood Posts: 149 Member
    As long as the wagon didn't run over you it's easy enough to hop back on.

    One thing that works well for me is to not think of it as "being on a diet" which is a negative. I instead think of it as leading a healthier lifestyle (a positive). I know it may seem silly but that change in mindset can work wonders.
    So true... You have to do this for yourself, No one else can do it for you. There are no excuses you either want it on not. Sorry to sound douchy, but its not gonna happen till you do it for yourself. just think or your most motivating goal and strive.
  • nomorepizza2
    nomorepizza2 Posts: 85 Member
    Don't get discouraged by a binge. The other weekend I fell off badly and has a 5 day eating marathon. I gained 7 pounds in 5 days!
    This gave me an incentive to work harder and stick to my diet, 10 days later I lost not only the 7 pounds but another 4 pounds on top.
    I hate ellipticals! I only work out at home on my stationary bike and with an inexpensive pair of dumbbells. I can train with these whilst watching tv.
    I've lost 70 pounds in 5 months without a single visit to one of those horrible gyms and despite numerous binges.
    You can do it, just keep trying!
  • sdfkjsadglkj11
    sdfkjsadglkj11 Posts: 211 Member
    Just because one tire in your wagon has gone flat, doesn't mean you should give up and pop the other ones that are still rolling down the path. Don't beat yourself up. The best way to lose weight for me is to actually go to a gym, I find that I work out better when I'm around other people and don't give up as easily. It takes EXTREME dedication.

    The best way for you to stay on path is to look at yourself- daily, in the mirror, no sucking anything in, and see yourself as you currently are. Then, picture what your body COULD be. Go to the gym, and as you are working out, visualize what you are working towards, what your body could be, and what you're going to do with that new body. If you need any more help or encouragement, I'm here for ya, chickadee!
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    Do you want to put back on your lost??? I did and its no fun busting my behindagain to lose it again. So get up and do what you did before, YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • hobotc
    hobotc Posts: 2
    :smile: I started yesterday, and I posted a pic of what I use to look like. I have been on diets an fell off the wagon to. Keep your head up an keep moving forward...
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    do this.. the psychological benefits of "grabbing the reigns" are immense.


    Trust me... you'll thank me..

    Then get back on your diet and get your training in check..

    I prefer a dull boring workout that is the same every day (except i have a heavy, medium, and light day).. Monday Wednesday Friday... I dont really think about it ever.. Its just part of my schedule... Maybe you'd like this, too.

    I personally hate having to rely on others for motivation. I like to train alone.

    You may also be the thype of person who really enjoys training with others. Theres nothing wrong with that.

    Regardless, I think a consistent schedule is the key.