I have a 4 Month Goal - 50 lbs.



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    The math works out OK - not ideal, but OK.

    However, it isn't a realistic goal because our bodies don't always follow the math.

    Set actual goals that depend on your actions. Set a goal to eat more vegetables this week and stay at your calorie limit. Set a goal to walk on the beach at least 30 minutes a day.

    If you are doing those things, the weight will shift, but you might plateau, so that even though you do everything according to the calculators and ideal nutrition, you may go a month without actually losing weight.
  • StellaGoHard
    I have to agree that at your starting weight, that's a goal that will be hard enough to reach that it might leave you frustrated. I'd shoot for a more realistic 6-8 pounds a months. It's way more realistic and sustainable.

    6-8 lbs? I've sometimes lost 6-8 lbs in a week, so when people are saying 6-8 lbs in a month, this must be from diet alone right? And not even a big difference in your diet. I'm just a little confused because I feel like because I am so heavy more weight should come off faster in the beginning.
  • StellaGoHard
    It's definitely a hefty goal. Need to make a great meal plan and have a good exercise regime. With hard work and strong dedication, you'll have a stronger chance of achieving it.

    I'm on track to lose 25 lbs in 2 months, so that's half. I do empty stomach cardio 40 mins every morning, eat clean and frequently and hit the weights 3-5 times a week.

    This is what I like to hear. Then again you are a man and I am not, and for some reason you males just shed pounds quicker and easier.

    I know it will not be easy. Just want to know that it can be done if I'm really serious about it.
    What an awesome goal to achieve if I can reach it! :)
  • StellaGoHard
    omg!!!! i am so in and wanna help you....use me, ask questions , support will be given 24/7!!!!
    we will go through it together!!!
    msg me when u feel u want to binge or when u think you are failing..
    lets start tomorrow morning!!!
    please measure yourself when you will wake

    you will be the prettiest girl at your friends wedding!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    THANK YOU for your excitement and happy words. You made me feel better instantly! :)

    Yes most definitely would love to go through this with someone. Tomorrow sounds great. Gives me time to get some planning going. THANKS :)
  • tarafreeman353
    tarafreeman353 Posts: 61 Member
    I have 50 lbs to lose but my goal is for the rest of the year. I think you should lower your expectations a bit. You will just get discouraged when the weight doesn't come off like you want it to. This is not the biggest loser, where they shed an enormous amount of weight each week.

    I have also joined this site before and have not reached the goal (or even come close). But that's because my will power is not strong. I didn't really add any friends to be accountable the last time. I think it will help this time. I'm also going to start prepping food for the week.

    Feel free to add me if you need a support system, cause I sure will. Good Luck!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have to agree that at your starting weight, that's a goal that will be hard enough to reach that it might leave you frustrated. I'd shoot for a more realistic 6-8 pounds a months. It's way more realistic and sustainable.

    6-8 lbs? I've sometimes lost 6-8 lbs in a week, so when people are saying 6-8 lbs in a month, this must be from diet alone right? And not even a big difference in your diet. I'm just a little confused because I feel like because I am so heavy more weight should come off faster in the beginning.

    Unfortunately, you've been misinformed. I am thrilled if I lose 1-2 lbs a week, and that's not bc I've just made small changes and hope for the best. I work hard for every pound. If you consistently lose 6-8 pounds a week, at your weight, for more than a week or two at the start... Then what you are doing is unhealthy. No lie. I lost 90 lbs in 9 months and that is so fast my Dr is amazed. Be patient, in the long run, it's better, and more sustainable. Studies show...those who rush to lose are the ones who gain it back.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    I have to agree that at your starting weight, that's a goal that will be hard enough to reach that it might leave you frustrated. I'd shoot for a more realistic 6-8 pounds a months. It's way more realistic and sustainable.

    6-8 lbs? I've sometimes lost 6-8 lbs in a week, so when people are saying 6-8 lbs in a month, this must be from diet alone right? And not even a big difference in your diet. I'm just a little confused because I feel like because I am so heavy more weight should come off faster in the beginning.

    6-8 lbs. in a week has to be largely water weight. Just using 7 lbs. that would be 24,500 calorie per week deficit...or 3500 calories per day. If you were eating 1200 calories per day (assuming that is your BMR) and expending 600 calories per hour in vigorous exercise, you would need to work out almost 6 hours per day, every day, to maintain that deficit.

    Even cutting that in half would be very difficult for someone in excellent physical condition. Unfortunately, to lose 50 lbs. by July, you will need to have that type of caloric expenditure...very difficult, not impossible, but very difficult.
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    I have done the same thing over and over. Want to lose X amount in X time frame - lose a couple of pounds and then get distracted, quit and gain it all back plus more.

    Although you may not hit 50 lbs in 4 months, you can certainly make some long strides towards that goal. Clean up the diet, hit some cardio and do some lifting. You will be amazed at how the pounds may not go down, but you will lose inches. Try to stay away from the processed foods. Take your measurements and log them. You really will be amazed at how many inches you can with this. Cardio and weight training along with the clean diets really does wonderful things. You will look amazing in your friends wedding!

    feel free to friend me! I have lost 65 lbs doing a boot camp class 3xs a week, just started upping my cardio and eat fairly clean. It took me longer than 4 months, but I started off just doing boot camp and then started watching the food and had some derailments. Back on track though, stronger than ever!

  • AMBlass
    AMBlass Posts: 161
    I was just going to say what the PP said about shedding inches. Even if you don't lose all the weight you'd be AMAZED at the dress sizes you can drop. You might look like you've dropped 50 when you've really only dropped 20-25. At one point (before I gained the weight back... sigh) I could fit into a size 12 jeans at 185, which I had previously only fit into when I was 175! My toning and the inches I lost made up a 10 lb difference!

    You really have to just start and do your best. What if we said "No you DEFINITELY CANNOT lost 50 lbs before the wedding!" Does that mean you won't try to do something? Something is better than nothing so get moving! ;) Good luck!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have 50 lbs to lose but my goal is for the rest of the year. I think you should lower your expectations a bit. You will just get discouraged when the weight doesn't come off like you want it to. This is not the biggest loser, where they shed an enormous amount of weight each week.

    I'm glad someone brought up the biggest loser. That show doesn't even come close to reality. Their timeframe, when they say a week, it's more like 2 weeks. The trainers force contestants o stop hydrating the night before weigh ins to reduce water weight, and they are forced to exercise longer and harder than anyone who isn't a professional athlete would ever have the time and energy for. Thanks for bringing it up, it's so important for people to know that show is NOT reality.
  • rali4ka
    rali4ka Posts: 4 Member
    You will achieve your goal only if you are determined and have spend hours exercising but most importantly having a proper diet .
    I am here if you need support :)