Fitness using Kinnect/Wii

Phase two of our weight loss plan will start this week. We plan on using our Wii board with Wii Fit, and Nike+ for our Kinnect. I guess my question is, are these actually any good, or are we wasting our time? I also plan on starting cycling when the weather improves. Bloody snow.


    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    These actually are an effective way to burn calories, especially if it is something you enjoy. My wife does not have the affinity for the gym that I do, so this is how she exercises. She lost about 15 pounds by doing this as well as proper diet in a 2.5 month span.

    Don't just limit yourself to the wii fit programs either. There is zumba, just dance, and some personal trainer type "games" as well.

    I haven't really done a search, but there are goups for the Wii as well.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Last year, I used the Wii for 6 workouts a week and went on a walk once a week. I went from 260lb in Jan to 205lb in May. By July I was down to 198lbs. The games I used:

    EA Sports Active 2 (my favorite, comes with a resistance band and HRM...might be hard to find now)
    Golds Gym Cardio
    Wii Fit
    Just Dance

    I don't have my wii anymore (it died), but now I'm using a kinect. I want to get the Nike + game, but currently use Just Dance 2, Your Shape: FE 2012, & Kinect Adventures. I'm also trying to find a copy of EA Sports Active 2 for the xbox.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I started out just using the games that came with the Wii, but now I have tons of active games. Some of the Wii Fit games, like obstacle course and rhythm boxing, can really give you a workout! Try warming up with some of the tamer games before moving on to those.

    I really like the EA Active for Wii, as it uses a resistance band for strength training. I have been using my own tubes, since the included band is kind of wimpy. I went through one 30 day challenge with a light tube I got with my "calorie burn kit" (a riser for the step, weighted gloves and this resistance tube with handles). Now I am on the second one challenge a heavier tube. Today I even used the tube to challenge my squats, but I am not sure how I am going to get out of this chair to go teach this evening! I already have More Workouts, I am just holding off so that I don't get tired of the Wii.

    So far the original Zumba game is my favorite, but that is entirely personal preference. The animated instructors in Zumba Core are a little too street for me and as a dancer, I actually like that the original counts by keeping the beat - well, except you can't score points for some of the cool down exercises.

    I didn't like the Biggest Loser much - poor motion capture, you need to have pockets in your workout pants to get credit for some of the exercises...all that being said, I will probably go back to it, just to see how my physical level compares with the first time.