Another Diet Soda Post

Hi all,

Compared to a year ago, my soda drinking is much improved. BUT I still find myself craving a soda every once in a while. Typically I have one can of Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper everyday, or every other day, but I've started to feel guilty about drinking them.

Should I stress or would getting rid of those few cans be worth it?


  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Is it the carbonation you're craving? Get some flavored carbonated water from Trader Joe's.
  • megananne88
    That is a great suggestion. I used to be the queen of sodas and I found it was the carbonation I craved. I always get the carbonated water and has gotten me to almost completely stop drinking sodas all together!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    if it's not hurting your weight loss, i wouldn't really worry about it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    I buy canned plain soda and put a shot of juice in it for the craving.
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I get Waist Watchers cans and put them in the pantry. They have lots of flavors: Orange, Cream Soday, Root Beer, Lemon LIme, Black Cherry and a few more. Also handy for when I make cakes for the boys.
  • pajamamama
    Hi all,

    Compared to a year ago, my soda drinking is much improved. BUT I still find myself craving a soda every once in a while. Typically I have one can of Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper everyday, or every other day, but I've started to feel guilty about drinking them.

    Should I stress or would getting rid of those few cans be worth it?

    I could have written this, exactly! I think the Trader Joe's suggestion is a good one.
  • Cruzer516
    I love soda too and will definitely try the carbonated water. I love Trader Joe's so will look for it when I visit next. Thanks for the question and great suggestions.
  • 3greatgifts
    3greatgifts Posts: 13 Member
    I've been trying to get rid of it completely. Been reading about all the chemicals in the diet pop (any pop). I believe the nutra sweet is affecting me too. I've switched to tea over the last few years. For me, not only is it about losing weight, but about becoming healthy too.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    I buy canned plain soda and put a shot of juice in it for the craving.

    Excellent idea! I'm going to try that! I'm trying to stay away from the artificial sweeteners, this sounds like a great alternative.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Try diet green tea. I've found substituting soda - when I crave something sweet to drink with say, pizza, which in my mind water canNOT accompany - with green tea curbs my craving!
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    I gave it up completely, and that says a lot. I was drinking upto 96oz. of Diet Mountain Dew a day!! I started gaining weight, had vision problems and fatigue. I switched to regular soda and my vision problems were gone, but I was still fatigued and had a ton of cravings. I don't drink coffe so I still wanted some caffeine. I have been soda free since January 16, 2010:happy: My vision is great I am no longer fatigued and I have noticed I don't have nearly the number of cravings I once did.

    What I learned is Diet soda especially is one of the worst things you can put in your body. If you can find an alternative your body will thank you! If I crave bubbles I buy Perrier and add a squirt of lime juice or lemon juice. I do everything in my power to stay away from the artificial sweeteners. Some carbonated waters still add artificial sweeteners so you might need to double check the labels.

    I thank my chiropractor everyday for convincing me to give up my soda habbit. Try going without it for 2 weeks and see how you feel! Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Sorry I forgot to tell you what I drink. I drink mostly water, and have some green tea daily. If I want some caffeine when I go out to a restaurant I order Ice tea with lemon. It really isn't terrible once you get past the first week of cravings... Lots of luck!!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Big thumbs up to the suggestion of sparkling water with a hint of juice :)

    I like Perrier or La Croix sparkling water with lemon, lime, or a splash of orange juice.
  • munchy
    munchy Posts: 10
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I'm not sure what the craving is for, so I'll be sure to try your suggestions and see if maybe it is the carbonation.