Knee pads for Roller Skating?

Can anyone recommend a good brand for knee pads for roller skating? I don't do anything fancy like Derby...I just skate for fun at a roller rink but I had a bad fall...and really think I need knee pads.
I would be buying them from

I was wondering, how often would I need to replace them? Would they last at least a year?
Could they make a fall worse? I had put off getting knee & wrist pads because I've read that at least with a wrist pad they can make you fall wrong and break a bone. would there be a possibility if the knee pad shifted before/during my fall that I could actually fall wrong onto the knee pad and get injured more?

Thanks for any replies or any advice you can give. I really like to skate...I don't want to give it up just because I had a bad fall. And I have thought about it...just any exercise can be dangerous. I could have been riding a bike and fell too.