Dieting too hard/long? taking breaks/refeeding...



  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    If I start feeling that way plus a lot of cravings, and my regular food and amounts just don't seem to do it for me anymore, I take a day or three off. I still log my food but I go over. This has happened about every 6-8 weeks, I'd say. I don't make it an all out binge or anything, but I just quit restricting quite so much and take a break from working out too, sometimes. Usually when I get back on it, I'll drop a couple pounds right away, and I always return to my workouts stronger. It's mentally refreshing to me and proves something to myself, that I can eat a little too much once in awhile without returning to my old lifestyle or giving up on this altogether.

    I like how in this case, taking a break was actually reinforcing healthy habits. Thank you for your perspective.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I took a 3 month break after a year of dieting. Still had/have a ways to go, but counting and restricting had me feeling about the same as you. Working out really hard but never eating enough cals to recover was taking a toll and niggling injuries were starting to crop up. So I took a break from Thanksgiving to mid February.

    The break was refreshing and I think what I need to finish this thing up. I gained back 12 pounds during the break (which I would have avoided if I ate maintenance, but screw maintainence) but those pounds are easily lost again. The toughest part was getting back into the swing of logging again. And saying no to food that I wanted.

    I don't regret a thing. If I could do it over I'd opt for a shorter break, maybe Thanksgiving to New Years or so.
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    @SideSteel - Yes, the loss was 225 to 185 from November until this week. The symptoms haven't been too sever, so I haven't changed anything. But, I'm afraid they are getting stronger as I continue.

    Your 2 week idea seems to follow the spirit of the previously mentioned article, btw. I can hardly imagine the comparative riches of all of those maintenance calories, too. :)
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    I took a 3 month break after a year of dieting. Still had/have a ways to go, but counting and restricting had me feeling about the same as you. Working out really hard but never eating enough cals to recover was taking a toll and niggling injuries were starting to crop up. So I took a break from Thanksgiving to mid February.

    The break was refreshing and I think what I need to finish this thing up. I gained back 12 pounds during the break (which I would have avoided if I ate maintenance, but screw maintainence) but those pounds are easily lost again. The toughest part was getting back into the swing of logging again. And saying no to food that I wanted.

    I don't regret a thing. If I could do it over I'd opt for a shorter break, maybe Thanksgiving to New Years or so.

    I sympathize with your feelings about working out with too few calories to recover. Something always seems sore.... You picked the right time of the year for a break, too.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Have been averaging a 1k/day deficit for the past 20 weeks and held a basically linear 2 lb/wk weight loss for the first 4 months. This month the loss has been slower and it's getting harder to keep at this deficit, getting a bit disgruntled. I've started running longer distances and it's not really a great fit with a big deficit.

    Since I have only 12-17 more lbs to lose I figure I'll keep the same plan perhaps up to the 26 week mark and then I will need to take a break as well.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I take week long diet breaks regularly. I also just took about a month off. When I start getting crabby about the whole deal, I know it's time.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Have been averaging a 1k/day deficit for the past 20 weeks and held a basically linear 2 lb/wk weight loss for the first 4 months. This month the loss has been slower and it's getting harder to keep at this deficit, getting a bit disgruntled. I've started running longer distances and it's not really a great fit with a big deficit.

    Since I have only 12-17 more lbs to lose I figure I'll keep the same plan perhaps up to the 26 week mark and then I will need to take a break as well.

    1000 calorie per day deficit when you are only 12-17lbs from goal weight????!?

    you really need to re-think that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    with only 30lbs left to lose, your deficit should only be 500 cals at most - fuel your body, it will thank you for it!
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    with only 30lbs left to lose, your deficit should only be 500 cals at most - fuel your body, it will thank you for it!

    Thanks for your advice. It seems that everyone is reaching a consensus, too. I'm pretty stubborn, but I am starting to reconsider this one because you all seem to know a thing or two about this. Having energy and continuing to lose weight would be great, I suppose, even if it is a bit slower.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    with only 30lbs left to lose, your deficit should only be 500 cals at most - fuel your body, it will thank you for it!

    Thanks for your advice. It seems that everyone is reaching a consensus, too. I'm pretty stubborn, but I am starting to reconsider this one because you all seem to know a thing or two about this. Having energy and continuing to lose weight would be great, I suppose, even if it is a bit slower.

    do you have any holidays coming up where you could take a proper break and have a week or so at maintenance with minimal exercise?

    i went on holiday in february (all inclusive) and ate and drank to my hearts content, and it was just the break i needed, i started insanity about a week after i got back!
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    do you have any holidays coming up where you could take a proper break and have a week or so at maintenance with minimal exercise?

    i went on holiday in february (all inclusive) and ate and drank to my hearts content, and it was just the break i needed, i started insanity about a week after i got back!

    Unfortunately, I don't have any big breaks planned until May. I'm not sure exactly how or when I'll execute my break and/or deficit-reduction (can't believe I just used that term outside of politics, lol), but I agree that it would be nice to be free over vacation. I doubt that I'll be doing insanity though.... that looks INSANE!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what does your exercise regime look like?

    if you arent too keen on a full break (though i would reccomend it) then maybe start with a few days rest, and slowly up your cals.

    when i was going from losing to maintaining i changed my goal from 1200 to 1450 and lost 2 lbs that week! and once i was at goal, i upped 100 cals per week till my weight was more or less stable. it seems like a lot of food initially, but i find that as long as i still make healthy choices 80% of the time, its nice to be able to fit a few treats in.

    also, if you have the app, you can look at your weekly total instead of each day - i usually eat more on fridays and saturdays (eating out) so just try to balance out my cals over the week.
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    what does your exercise regime look like?

    if you arent too keen on a full break (though i would reccomend it) then maybe start with a few days rest, and slowly up your cals.

    when i was going from losing to maintaining i changed my goal from 1200 to 1450 and lost 2 lbs that week! and once i was at goal, i upped 100 cals per week till my weight was more or less stable. it seems like a lot of food initially, but i find that as long as i still make healthy choices 80% of the time, its nice to be able to fit a few treats in.

    also, if you have the app, you can look at your weekly total instead of each day - i usually eat more on fridays and saturdays (eating out) so just try to balance out my cals over the week.

    Here's my routine: I lift weights on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I've been reading 'Starting Strength' by Mark Rippetoe, so I'm trying to use big movements and lift heavy. I also do cardio on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays. Saturdays and Sundays tend to be 1-3 hours of moderate intensity on an elliptical, and Wednesdays and Fridays are usually more intense (intervals, Fartlek, etc...). I should also mention that I always eat back my calories. In fact, I'll even prepare for an extra hard workout by tossing some extra calories in my system before I begin.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Here's my routine: I lift weights on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I've been reading 'Starting Strength' by Mark Rippetoe, so I'm trying to use big movements and lift heavy. I also do cardio on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays. Saturdays and Sundays tend to be 1-3 hours of moderate intensity on an elliptical, and Wednesdays and Fridays are usually more intense (intervals, Fartlek, etc...). I should also mention that I always eat back my calories. In fact, I'll even prepare for an extra hard workout by tossing some extra calories in my system before I begin.

    thats a LOT of exercise!

    rest your weary little body!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I agree with the two week diet break, and then when you "get back on the wagon" decrease your deficit maybe to one pound a week or so.