PB2 flavor question

I was wondering how PB2 compares in flavor to peanut butter per serving size of each. To be specific:

A serving of peanut butter is approximately 32g.
A serving of PB2 is 12g.

How does 32g of peanut butter compare to 12g of PB2 in terms of flavor? Would I have to add over twice the amount of PB2 to get the same "amount" of flavor as the peanut butter? Are they equal? Is PB2 actually more flavorful?

Thanks to all responses.

Edit: I'm specifically looking to add the PB2 to oatmeal. Right now, mix oatmeal and peanut butter in a 1:1 ratio to get the desired taste. I was wondering if this ratio would change if I switched from peanut butter to PB2.

By 1:1 ratio, I mean 1 serving of oatmeal (1/2 cup) to 1 serving of peanut butter (32g).


  • I find that PB2 actually tastes BETTER that regular peanut butter! I get the PB2 with chocolate. It's much less fating and so much healthier for you than real PB. It's so good that I actually eat it plain when I'm craving something sweet. I also use it in smoothies.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I just use 2 scoops and add water to the consistancy that I want it. Or I add to my smoothies. The consistancy of the PB2 is not he same as regular PB. And the taste is not the same but when you have the PB craving, this takes care of it for a lot less calories.
  • jromanof
    jromanof Posts: 3
    I think I should have been more explicit, as the question doesn't really make sense as it stands.

    I'm specifically looking to add the PB2 to oatmeal. Right now, mix oatmeal and peanut butter in a 1:1 ratio to get the desired taste. I was wondering if this ratio would change if I switched from peanut butter to PB2.

    Thank you for the responses!

    Edit: By 1:1 ratio, I mean 1 serving of oatmeal (1/2 cup) to 1 serving of peanut butter (32g).
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I think you will just have to experience with it. The PB2 is not as strong as PB.
  • jromanof
    jromanof Posts: 3
    I think you will just have to experience with it. The PB2 is not as strong as PB.

    Fair enough. Thanks a lot!