Glucose Levels and Blood Pressure

So, my boyfriend has high glucose levels and somewhat high blood pressure. His blood pressure has decreased over the past year, while his fasting glucose levels have actually gotten higher (he's still in the "pre-diabetes" zone). For reference, he's 33, 170 lbs, 5'8", nonsmoker.

1. I read that blood pressure meds can actually effect fasting glucose levels. Anyone have experience with that?

2. I know diet is a big factor, but when I look up recommended foods to eat, what to avoid, etc... - WE EAT THAT WAY. Baked goods, pasta, rice, sweetened drinks, potatoes, corn, artificial sweeteners - we don't eat that stuff. Spinach, sardines, cinnamon, eggplant, tofu, vinegar, etc. This is stuff we eat regularly! He does have ONE serving of tart cherry juice almost every day, and usually a couple of fruits, but it's not like he has a fruit binge every day.

Anyone have experience with this? Suggestions?