Puzzled about a friends comment



  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    We have a saying in triathlon: Obsessed is a word that the lazy use to describe the dedicated.

    (In this case, substitute "going overboard" for "obsessed". :wink:)

    There is also a George Carlin skit that applies about driving the car. He says: Anyone going slower than me is a moron and anyone going faster than me is a MANIAC!

    I think you know if you are getting carried away. It's not really about what you do or the hours but whether it's negatively impacting your health or your life. I can't image doing some walking/running and some strength training over the course of the week is having a negative impact on your life at all.

    Are you neglecting your family and friends in favor of workouts? Are you getting rail thin but you look in the mirror and think "if only I could lose X more pounds?" That's what makes it getting carried away/being obsessed, not the hours put in or the workouts you chose to do.
    It is not having a negative impact on my family at all. I always put my family before me, ALWAYS! I am a SAHM of 3 kids, one of which I homeschool. I go to school at night 2 days a week to become a surgical tech, and I always make sure my family has their meals and a clean house so I stay very busy. If my daughter wants me to play instead of workout, I do. That is just how I am. However, I make sure that I walk/run after they go to bed so they don't have to miss me.
  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    We have a saying in triathlon: Obsessed is a word that the lazy use to describe the dedicated.

    That is an awesome quote!

    I agree!! I may have to use that one!!!
  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    It's hard to say without hearing your friend's view. Maybe she sees something in your behavior that reminds her of how you were before (when you were so under weight). I would imagine if she's a good friend, that could frighten her because she's concerned for your well being.

    There are plenty of possible reasons. You should ask her instead of other people. None of us could possibly know what she is feeling.

    Sometimes it's nice to hear other peoples views so I don't get upset about nothing. I am doing nothing like I used to do. Good lord, I am at 200 lbs now, and I want to get it off. I honestly don't think it has anything to do with being concerned, I think it's because she isn't as motivated but she doesn't really want to be left behind either. She wants to lose weight but it's not as important to her as it is to me.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    I am very motivated to exercise right now... i have 10 lbs left to go and have never been more motivated.... the way I see it is that I better take advantage of my motivation now and get into the habit of working out since I will have to continue to maintain !!
  • brightlightkatie
    I just wanted to say, I went through a very similar situation when I was younger and it is hard to get out of the mindset but I've finally did it too. SO when I told my friends and family I was going to start healthy eating in their heads I said ' I am going to revisit my eating disorder'. They were concerned, and still are. Its a long battle because you lost that trust with them before, you know? So I understand where she is coming from with the comment. I think it was concern more than anything.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I was a little obsessive when I started and talked about exercising and diet all the time. My husband told me not to go overboard. He knows I do have an obsessive personality and was just worried. I did reassure him that I wouldn't exercise myself into injury and that I didn't plan to get too skinny. I did have to stop myself at a certain point. I kept readjusting my weight goals and just last week went on maintenance because I realized my body fat was pretty low and I need the energy for running a 5 k in a few weeks. I would say your friend just loves you and wants to make sure you don't get back to that place. You might just reassure her that you're going about it in a healthy way and that you won't let yourself sink into the old bad habits.