Tried another weight loss technique, out of money and want t

hknecht Posts: 8 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello -

I have been doing a popular weight loss system for over a year and hit a plateau and want to lose more. Plus save a little money. Some friends turned me onto this website - so thought I'd give it a try. Maybe lose the last 15 lbs to hit my real goal!


  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    good luck! this site is amazing!!! ive lost 10 pounds and have stayed motivated while on it! :)
  • BeckyDLC
    BeckyDLC Posts: 7
    I've tried every diet out there, and I swear the secret to it all is either decrease your calories or increase your activity, period. MFP website has been great for me. I log can be a bit tedious at first until you get the hang of the site and its tools, but I really really think twice before I put something in my mouth....because I have to write it down and it makes me see how many calories I'm taking in and how many I'm burning with exercise. And this is wwaaayyy cheaper! Good luck, hope you get the results you want!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    A couple things to lose that last 15.

    Eat 6 meals a day. (every 3 hours)

    Exercise 6 times a week. - I know, it's a lot, but if your job is mostly sitting or standing, we are animals and need the exercise!

    Log every single calorie and stay below it.

    Keep fat to 20-30% maximum of your daily intake.

    Keep sodium to 2500 mg a day.

    These are just a few simple things that helped me get over that "last 5" hurdle that hangs so many people up!

    Good luck!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    this is a great tool for weight loss, great support!! I am hooked! Good luck!
  • sean_m
    sean_m Posts: 13
    Keep sodium to 2500 mg a day.


    I can understand everything else in your answer but why keep Sodium to 100%?

  • hknecht
    hknecht Posts: 8 Member
    Those are great suggestions! Thank you very much!

    Right now doing a very fast walk 5 times a week during lunch, spinning one night, yoga one night and walking the dogs as much as I can......thinking about adding more spinning (because I am hooked and love it!) but having a hard time getting out of bed for the morning classes. I will track more and try to watch the sodium. Thanks again!
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