Anyone ever take a week off?

bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I was doing SO good with working out at least 4-5 times a week and eating well, but now I'm tired and just can't get into a grove this week. Is it wrong to want to take a break? I'm still going on walks with the dog, but I can't seem to get into gym mode to save my life.


  • you're half way there! you are only adding more time to your journey but do what you have to so that you don't stop all together!
  • yeah, sometimes the body needs a break....however, watch it that you don't stay away too long...your body will act like its starting over again....thats the down side
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I go easy on myself during my TOM, and every now and then I'll take a day off if I know that I would just be miserable counting calories (for ex, I took off Easter Sunday and my boyfriend's birthday when I took him to a Rockies game) so why don't you relax and rocoup for a day and then see if you feel all energized again? Or, if you take a day off and feel weak and tired, that will be your motivation to not take a day off in the future! :laugh: I like to look at things from a win-win perspective.

    Good luck!! Hang in there!! :flowerforyou:
  • What were you doing for workouts those 4-5 times a week? Maybe switch up your exercises so it doesn't seem so routine. I usually rotate between going for walks, bike rides, and home workout videos. It's also okay if you take a day off in between workouts. Just don't give up.
  • IanRS
    IanRS Posts: 68 Member
    No problem taking a break from workouts so long as it is only a week, you remain on track eating wise and exercise a little walking the dog. If you are feeling tired perhaps you are overdoing it - might be an idea to workout 2-3 times a week to see if you can keep that up better over the long term.

    In any case you are obviously doing something right having lost 13lbs which is a fabulous achievement.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I say don't take a week off. I've got my tracking day up to 111 and I decided I just wasn't going to give up. I started to feel that way about 3 weeks ago, but I was weighing myself everyday and I hadn't lost any weight in a while.. So I decided to stop with the scale and do it every week, like I used to when I first started.

    My love of losing weight has finally come back! I feel great. I'm not stressing out about the number so much anymore, but working more on my health.. I'm also working on my endurance. I made a goal that I will jog 4 miles by the end of this term. I want to keep this goal.

    I just jogged 2 miles the other day!! No pain, not out of breath.. I amazed myself! I was just shooting for 1 miles, but when I got there I told myself to keep going... I always told myself I would never be a "runner", but I just might prove myself wrong. It's a great feeling.

    So keep going.. Set a goal for yourself. What have you always wanted to do? Do you enjoying bike riding? Do you like to go hiking? Have fun with your exercise and food! Get creative!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    What's the old saying? It takes 5 days to form a habit and 3 to break it. Take a few days off if you need to but I'd warn against taking a whole week!

    The body is a fickle thing and you'll pay for that 7 day rest!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Actually I'm VERY burnt out and I've been at it for 2 years. So for the past two weeks I've been scaling back on the gym and just taking 30-60 minute walks. That's how I started with this program, so I figured I needed to go back to the basics to get my groove back.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It really does depend on what sort of training you are doing. In some body building circles it is normal to only train once a week. But that one session is seriously intense. Listen to your body, if you are feeling tired then take a few days off.
  • What's the old saying? It takes 5 days to form a habit and 3 to break it. Take a few days off if you need to but I'd warn against taking a whole week!

    I concur. It is important to take time away every once in awhile, especially when you've been dieting for over a year. I certainly understand; I am about to hit my year in July. Personally, though, whenever I take more than 3 days off I start reforming old bad habits. My last "week off" lasted for 2 months. I am just recovering from it now and beating myself up because I am not going to make my July goal. Treat yourself but don't let yourself slide into the self-pity/regret cycle.

    Keep up the good work. Remember your goal. You can do it!!!
  • higgety
    higgety Posts: 1
    A massage is a good way to help the body rejuvenate and recover from all the exercise you've been doing. The muscles do need a break from time to time so that they can accommodate all the changes to the body, otherwise you get burned out. It's also a healthy reward for all the hard work you've been doing.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I've taken a couple of days off exercise but my body usually misses it. If you need to just not think about diet and exercise for a little while, then just take the break. Just don't let it go too far.
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    I didn't take a full week off until I'd been losing weight and exercising for about a year, and even then I still exercised, I just did light cardio and nothing else. There is a difference between having the "blah's" and "not feeling like" going to the gym, and being seriously fatigued after weeks of intense workouts. I would challenge you to figure out which this is, in your case. If you're just feeling burned out and unmotivated I would probably try to find something new to do and actually I would step it up, rather than go easy, otherwise you risk falling back into the habit of not being a regular exerciser.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I would try taking a few days off instead of a week or try doing some lighter or different exercise routines for a week...even just continuing to walk your dog can be rejuvenating.
    Hope you start feeling stronger soon.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I took a week off since I was sick and it took almost more energy to get back to the gym tonight but once I got there I felt great. So just remember that no matter how long you take off you have to get back to it just like if you had a cheat day on food you know you are going to start back up the next day or meal.
  • mythicals
    mythicals Posts: 70
    If I know I worked really hard last week, I'll take a week off to give my body a break and get back on track the next week.
  • cmhcarpenter
    cmhcarpenter Posts: 6 Member
    I was really in the rhythm of exercising for a couple of weeks, and all of a sudden I got thrown off. It's been a good week sense I've done any kind of activity, which makes me feel like crap. So while I've been keeping track of my food, ( I just joined myfitnesspal this week), I haven't exercised! So I know how you feel I think. I know I feel better when I do exercise, and I know that I will see results so much faster once I do get moving again, so I'm trying to motivate myself to get back on the ball. Once I stop it's hard to get going again. I hope you don't have the same problem. If you do, find something that motivates you and go for it!
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    Thank you everyone for kicking me back into reality! After reading all the posts I forced myself to the gym last night (I am a member at 24 hour fit-lite) and did a 45 minute circuit...and I felt great! I was able to sleep better and woke up more refreshed today. I guess I needed the two days, but everyone is right, a week is too long.

    Thanks for the help!
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