One of those days..

TODAY i am having one of those days. Iv had a great start to my day so far and iv eaten very well, however, i feel like i'm retaining a lot of water, cant see my stomach muscles today... and i only had 30 minutes to do yoga x which is my most hated day... i didn't burn what i wanted to and unless i miraculously don't have to go to work in a half hour... its all i'm going to get to do... ITS JUST ONE OF THOSE DAYS... on the plus side i'v decided not to step on scales anymore...


  • brightlightkatie
    Good for you deciding not to step on the scales, I'm only doing it once a week now because it was becoming obsessive and it was really affecting my mood (and my calorie intake!)

    We all have these days, but just think, when you wake up tomorrow its a bright new day and hopefully you will be feeling more positive !!!!

    By the way, your profile picture is amazing, I envy your stomach ! I haven't seen my stomach muscles in about 5 years !! (they are in there somewhere)