my introduction....and you are?

Hi, I will be 58 in a few days and I am taking control of my life! I have fibromyalgia, lower back degeneration and low thyroid. The doctors just pacified me, not really treating me and before I knew it I was on back injections, 3 meds for relaxing, pain, heartburn, and one for my low thyroid, I had gained 70 lbs, and I was overweight to begin with, disabled...thought shoot, I could do that good myself....sooooo, I stopped taking the injections (which I was getting around 12 of them every 3 months) and started acupuncture instead, stopped all meds, starting taking natural thyroid meds, and in January started going to a Nutritionist....This is my second month and she suggested this page to help me keep track and I am going to use it. So this is my journey...I hope to find people who have been in my shoes to help support and encourage me. The longest journey begins with just one step...this in mine

I have three cats, which I love dearly, one parrot, and 4 hermit crabs...long story there, but they are fun. I do crafts, weaving and working with yarn, love to read...42 book so far this my Kindle....Have fun with my husband doing genealogy, and history of the tombstone, area, the person...etc. so join me on my journey and If I can help someone,,,become my friend and I will give you my all