Need some encouragement? this is MY story

I wanted to share a little bit about me...

I haven’t always been fit. Growing up, I was always a little on the chubby side. When I hit puberty, was when I got REALLY chubby. I played sports (Cheerleading-8th grade, Badminton, Tennis, and Softball throughout 9th-12th years) in High School, yet, I was always on some crazy diet to get that scale to go down. When I was a Senior in High School, I started hitting the gym. Topping the scale at 188 being 17 years old and only 5’4 was way too high for a girl my age. After high school, I decided to join the US Navy. I had to lose about 30 pounds to do so. I left for bootcamp weighing 152 in February 2004. In October 2004, I had to have major foot surgery. I again gained weight because of this. Now reaching the scale at about 170. Still in the Navy and the pressure to drop those pounds, I began an EATING DISORDER. I was depressed and lonely, but it worked, the scale started coming down. I dropped to 155 pounds. Happy with myself, I met Jon (my husband now). In October 2005, I found out I was pregnant! That means I can eat again! YAY! I ate whatever I wanted. I ate whatever food that was in front of me. Because of this, I gained around 60 pounds!
After our first daughter was born in June 2006, we planned to get married that October. That meant, going back to work for the Navy, and getting ready to wear that beautiful dress I always wanted to wear. I started working out for the first time FOR REAL! I went from 210 (190 coming out of the hospital from birth) to 170 in time to get married. I beat myself to the bone to be as healthy as I could be. But when those pounds didn’t shed, I started crazy diets once more. A little binging and purging here and there. BAD girl I was! That little “voice” in your head is horrible when you go through rough times.
In February 2009, I lost my dad to Cancer. That really hit me hard. I was weighing about 140 these days. I went into a state of depression. I was working again and I had a boss who would make comments to me. I again started that darn EATING DISORDER once more. I did cardio everyday to get those pounds to shed. I went to a scary skinny of 108 pounds! I was sick, I was angry with myself. I was hungry all the time. I was tired, and I was never in a good mood. I started getting comments about how skinny I was. My sister even called me out and won’t speak to me anymore because I lied and said I didn’t purge. Shame on me for that! I would NEVER tell anyone to not eat. It makes you crazy when your body is in starvation mode.
In June 2010, I started lifting weights to get away from the “ED “ as I call it. I blew up to 142 pounds! My body and my metabolism was all out of order. I was holding onto calories like you wouldn’t believe. But, I wasn’t purging. My husband introduced me to eating again and working out. I then started a new cardio program to stop weight lifting since 142 was just way too high for me. In November, I was down to 120. Jon then surprised me by stating he wanted to have another baby. Oh how wonderful I felt those days. It took us a few weeks to get pregnant, and when I found out I was pregnant in January, I was a healthy 128 pounds.
I promised myself and my family that I would take care of myself through my pregnancy. Getting pregnant with our second daughter “reset” my body to its normal function. She saved my life by being inside of me. I ate healthy. I exercised and I didn’t purge. I only gained 30 pounds with her.
Now a year and a half later, March 2013, I am a healthy 126 pounds. I am glowing! I am on top of this world. I enjoy eating again! I do have to watch and control what I do. That little “voice” in my head is very evil and will haunt me for the rest of my life. I tune her out these days. And I am so Thankful to God for that. I pray every day that my girls never have to go through what I went through. I live for them and my husband every day. I exercise and sweat for them. Unfortunately I made mistakes in the past, but you can always learn from them.
This is who I am, and this is my story. I hope I can inspire and motivate you to get up and exercise. Food is not your enemy. Eating healthy and exercising are my only tricks. There is no easy way to lose weight. All you have to do is believe in yourself and you will find a way to meet your goals.

Julianne Alloggio~Fitness Motivator for Jonathan Alloggio Personal Training
Wife and Mom of 2 Beautiful girls.


  • megm36
    megm36 Posts: 2
    Thanks for posting your story. I too have struggled with my weight my entire life. Up, down, up, down.... all thanks to the evil voice in my head too! Good for you in setting her (the voice) straight! I'm working on getting my body back after I got pregnant. I gained 35 lbs plus I was 20 lbs over weight to begin with. The fat girl inside me was so happy I was pregnant!! Good luck to you in your staying fit journey!! WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • ashley11284
    ashley11284 Posts: 31 Member
    Way to go! You should be very proud of yourself.. Sounds like you have came a long way.. I have ALWAYS struggled with my weight.. I was the chubby kid in school and am have yo-yo'd my whole adult life, tried every diet pill known to man,. I'm ready to stop the cycle and start living a healthy life!! Thanks for the inpsiration!
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Thanks for posting your story. I too have struggled with my weight my entire life. Up, down, up, down.... all thanks to the evil voice in my head too! Good for you in setting her (the voice) straight! I'm working on getting my body back after I got pregnant. I gained 35 lbs plus I was 20 lbs over weight to begin with. The fat girl inside me was so happy I was pregnant!! Good luck to you in your staying fit journey!! WE CAN DO THIS!!

    YES WE CAN!! Thank you so much =) If I can do it, I know you can. And I am so willing to help anyone who is in need.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Way to go! You should be very proud of yourself.. Sounds like you have came a long way.. I have ALWAYS struggled with my weight.. I was the chubby kid in school and am have yo-yo'd my whole adult life, tried every diet pill known to man,. I'm ready to stop the cycle and start living a healthy life!! Thanks for the inpsiration!

    You're so very welcome =) If you're looking for some advice, I am here to help =) Like I said.."Ive been there"
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