Any other ladies out there who lift heavy?



  • KimPratt222
    KimPratt222 Posts: 36 Member
    Absolutely! Totally lift heavy. Only way to go if you ask me! Right now, I squat 140 lbs for 6 sets, bench press 95 lbs (regular bench, incline and decline), deadlift 140lbs (using low weight on these now and really working on form. I really jacked my back up on these years ago, so being cautious). I curl 50 lbs and do 60 lb shoulder presses. Those are the ones I remember...I'll add more as I think of them or go look at my journal.

    And am I big, bulky and manly? Not even a little bit! :)

    That's one of my biggest pet peeves-when people think women will bulk up. Not manly over here either! How tall are you?

    SUCH a pet peeve of mine! I am 5'10". No idea what I weigh...I don't weigh myself anymore. Don't care! :) Haven't done a bodyfat test in a while, but last time I did (last Summer) I was at 21%. Still trying to make that lower! :)
  • KimPratt222
    KimPratt222 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm doing Stronglifts 5x5 at home and have to do my squats and bench on a smith for now, but I think we're going to bite the bullet and toss the smith and get a power rack sometime this year. I'm progressing 5lbs on squats, 10 on deads and 2.5 on Bench, OHP and Rows.

    Most recent weights were:
    Squat 175 (smith)
    Bench 102.5 (smith)
    OHP 67.5
    BB Row 95
    Deadlift 150 - learning proper form after switching from stiff-legged deadlifts

    Lose the smith machine for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Height: 5'3
    Weight 160lbs

    Bum knee so can't put too much weight, and really only started committing myself to the free weights for about a month, was really afraid of them for awhile.

    Squat = 95lbs 3x8
    Over Head Press = 50lb BB 3x8
    Bench Press = 80lbs
    Deadlift = 135lbs 3x5
    BB Row = 60lbs 3x8
  • KimPratt222
    KimPratt222 Posts: 36 Member
    5'11, 170

    2 Rep Max:

    Squats: 205
    Bench: 135
    Squat to Press: 115

    I'm on Stage 2 of NROWLFW

    Nice lifts!!!! That rocks.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149

    I'm 5'7'', about 123 lbs
    can squat 125 lbs

    A huge fan of Bulgarian Split Squats, Pendlay Rows, bench press ♥

    I do the bulgarians as well...I find they are the BEST to get my booty sore! I use 20 lb dumbbells with them currently.