Aches and pains and what they may mean

imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
This is just a general guide to what the pain you experience could mean, i'm not a doctor, and you could have underlying medical reasons that cause the same symptoms, this is just for people like me, who are in the gym and occasionally hurt themselves, sometimes it's a good hurt, but usually it isn't.

You have, muscle soreness, up to three days after a workout could have initiated changes in muscle tissues and could be boosting your fitness level..a good thing!

You have, muscle pain that lasts longer then three days, maybe it's keeping you up at night or prevents you from moving the could have overtrained, used too much weight, for too long, or too many days without rest..not a good thing.

You have muscle cramps right after your workout....chances are you're dehydrated, lifted too much weight and/or you didn't warm up...again not a good thing!

You have aches somewhere other than the muscles you've worked, like lower back pain after doing bicep used bad lifting form, which caused surrounding muscles to overcompensate, not good and can lead to serious complications.


  • kelliegreer
    kelliegreer Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the info! I have had muscle soreness a lot this week because I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shredder DVD.

    I am also experiencing some hip pain when walking and this happens every time I start to do some exercise besides walking. Very frustrated with that because I wanted to start toning up but I end up having hip pain on my left side...same place every time!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks for the info! I have had muscle soreness a lot this week because I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shredder DVD.

    I am also experiencing some hip pain when walking and this happens every time I start to do some exercise besides walking. Very frustrated with that because I wanted to start toning up but I end up having hip pain on my left side...same place every time!


    It is possible you have deteriorating cartilage on that hip. Maybe an old injury is flaring up that happened so long ago you have forgotten it.

    Here is another possibility. I am a little older than you and was having hip pain about a year ago. I discovered it was connected to the shoes I was wearing during exercise. I tend to run my heels to the outside, and these shoes were worn enough to throw my gait off. I changed shoes and solve dthe problem.

    Only a doctor can tell you for sure. I am just offering some possibilities in this post.

    Even though I was working out regularly, I often woke up in the morning feeling like "the Tin Man" from the Wizard of Oz--needing some "oil" in my joints to get moving. A hot bath in Epsom salts helped me start the day.

    I was getting tired of buying Epsom salts and of having to always do a bath in the morning or be uncomfortable for a couple of hours, so as an experiment, I tried taking "Joint Juice"--a liquid supplement that contains Glucosamine and other ingredients. It is low in calories and sodium and has some anti-oxidant properties as well. In about 3 weeks I noticed an improvement in how I felt. I have been taking it since then and find I don't get as stiff as I used to when I sit for a while in my living room chair either.

    Interestingly, I have previously taken Glucosamine and Chondroitin in pill form, but never noticed any difference. I read that the liquid form is absorbed better than in pill form, so maybe that is the difference.

    Good luck!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You have aches somewhere other than the muscles you've worked, like lower back pain after doing bicep used bad lifting form, which caused surrounding muscles to overcompensate, not good and can lead to serious complications.

    That's one of my TOM warning signs :laugh: (usually in my legs).
  • kelliegreer
    kelliegreer Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions weaklink109!! :smile:

    I will definitely check into it and change up my shoes!
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