Hi just looking for some friends to help me along my weight loss journey. Every year I lose weight and every year i put it all back on. I'm sick of constantly thinking about food, I'm seriously wondering weather I have issues with food because its all I ever think about. I'm just looking for some support and help along the way I'm 5ft 3 and weigh 174lb so I have 40lbs to lose. This feels like it's gonna take forever and be a long journey any help and support would be great. I'm also wondering whether people have a treat day and still lose weight.


  • pgronzo
    pgronzo Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm only two months old on MFP, but have lost about 30lbs so far. It was also two months ago that I decided to begin this journey in weight loss. I've more to loose than yourself. My ultimate goal is 100 lbs. I'm doing it with the help of my doctor. I log everything and every two weeks he goes over and tells me where I should be adding or things I should steer clear from. I think having my doctor to answer to has really helped, as the scale doesn't lie. I've really changed my eating habits and am eating so much healthier. I do have a treat meal, now and then. I just now have it in moderation. If I want the Pasta Alfredo, I have it. I just have a small portion, rather than the pasta being my whole meal. I know have a salad and vegetable with it. Good Luck and let me know if I can help with anything!
  • JessicaAnhalt
    You should never deprive yourself, if you want a piece of candy, have it. Because the longer you put off that craving, you will fall off the band wagon and EAT everything you have been depriving yourself. It's about having self control, being able to still have a treat and just remembering to work out for it. Maybe you only work out 30minutes on a regular basis, the day you have a treat work out more because it's more calories. You can do it!!!

    Don't think of it as dieting, it's a lifestyle change. :)