What were unexpected upsides of losing weight?? Share!



  • NaCL_H20
    NaCL_H20 Posts: 24
    The back of my neck doesn't look like a package of hotdogs anymore.
    My junk got bigger.
    I can manscape more effectively
    My shirts are tighter in the top half not the lower
    I dont tilt the steering wheel up on in my truck when getting in and out of it
    I can run 6.5 miles and still chase my kids around afterward
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I can fit in my non fat shirts.,I have more things to wear in general.
    Run down a flight of stairs for the first time in years.
    Better muscle tone.
    better performance in the bedroom.:blushing:
    Go back to practice martial arts.
    Refinished my sun bleached door. (a one week project)
    Done more around the house.
    Wanting to buy more form fitting shirts, instead of buying stuff from costco...one size fit all type.
    Turning the AC up, saving more energy.
    Play video game less. feel restless lots of times.
    Better skin.
  • DrWilyMD
    DrWilyMD Posts: 14
    Generally, life just got a little easier.
    I feel like everyone's flirting with me now.
    Salespeople and servers are more helpful.
    I get more respect at work.
    Sex is better.
    My manhood has increased in visible length by a full inch.
    My guy friends don't screw with me as much anymore.
    Women smile and touch me more in conversation.
    Just a lot of little things that add up to priceless. :P
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Not being instantly friend zoned.
  • DrWilyMD
    DrWilyMD Posts: 14
    Not being instantly friend zoned.

    HELL. YES.

    You get me.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I had to throw out all of my old pants because not even safety pins could hold them up anymore.

    I need less makeup because simply being thin gives me more defined cheekbones, a slender neck, and rounder lips (the neck fat is no longer distracting from my face!)
  • Adah_m
    Adah_m Posts: 216 Member
    I look better
    I'm now a marathoner (4 down)
    Sex is SO much better
    I sleep better
    I've already had my wedding ring reasize down three sizes once and am close to bringing it in again
    My **unit** is bigger (yes men, for ever 45 pounds lost ~ 1/4 inch of manhood back) - may relate to item #3
    I feel better over all
    I lost 10 inches on my weist and went from 3XL to XL

    I'm still a big guy, I still have 40 pounds to loose, but I've lost 135 pounds and still loosing

    (How many are doing the pounds to inch math in your head right now?!)

    I love this! This thread was definately about the unexpected and HONEST benefits, there is one for sure :)
  • Adah_m
    Adah_m Posts: 216 Member
    Having a healthy pregnancy turned out to be the best benefit of all the weight I lost before I had my beautiful son. :)
  • nomoyoyoing
    nomoyoyoing Posts: 159 Member
    I've been an active participant on this site for a while, but this is the first thread I've 'starred'. These posts are awesome!!! I will hopefully post my own upsides to weight loss in a couple months. Stay tuned..
  • nomoyoyoing
    nomoyoyoing Posts: 159 Member
    Adah_m wrote: »
    Having a healthy pregnancy turned out to be the best benefit of all the weight I lost before I had my beautiful son. :)

  • sam1312016
    sam1312016 Posts: 1 Member
    I can tie my shoes without holding my breath and tie them with the tie in the middle and not on the side
    I can take my dog for a walk and not be exhausted when we're done
    I can fit into a lot of cuter clothes!
    People take me more seriously
    I don't feel self conscious when I'm out in public
  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    I feel a little smug
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    I can walk farther than my dog. Guess he needs the exercise too.
  • courtneylykins5
    courtneylykins5 Posts: 168 Member
    Retail therapy now includes buying fitness equipment. Never in a million years thought I'd enjoy buying dumbells or a yoga mat so much. Or that I would actually use them enough to get my money's worth from them.
  • UnicornAmanda1
    UnicornAmanda1 Posts: 56 Member
    Adah_m wrote: »
    Let’s talk about some of those unexpected benefits that came along with losing weight. Whether you have had big or small successes, share with us some of the perks that showed up that you didn’t know were coming! It’s a great way to realize that you have more to look forward to than the standard “Look better, feel better, live longer” that you hear everywhere.
    Here are mine (and I am going to be so honest)

    I can sit with my legs crossed again! My thighs were too big to do this for years!
    My arms don’t get tired just from straightening or curling my hair!
    Hygiene! I don’t sweat unless I want to- in the gym. I used to struggle to shower often enough to smell nice and fresh, sometimes needing to “freshen up” two or three times a day. No more!
    I can shave without looking in the mirror.
    I can paint my own toenails.
    I can go up a flight of stairs.
    I can ALWAYS button my pants. No more nasty surprises when I haven’t worn a pair in a week and they suddenly look like sausage casing.
    I don’t have to always shop plus sizes, I can find plenty of clothes in the same places other girls my age shop.
    My feet got smaller! Size 11 at my heaviest, to a 9.5 again!
    Speaking of feet, for some reason 100 lbs less, I don't get cracked painful, dry heels anymore. My circulation is definately up!
    My ring size went from a 10 to a 7 :smile:
    More hanky panky, better hanky panky :blushing: (wait… what?)
    I like to wear shorts, and they don’t ride up from my thighs rubbing together!
    I leave the house without spanx.
    I don’t have to custom order my bras anymore.
    My skin cleared up from cutting a lot of the fat/toxins/sugar out of my diet, and drinking more water.
    I have fewer tension headaches.
    I have tons more energy! I wouldn’t have imagined conquering in a week what I conquer in a single day now!
    I’m not too shy to get in the gym, or better yet, to go out to the club! I’m not afraid of a swimsuit or to sunbathe.
    I married a hottie! :love:
    I can sit in the airplane seat comfortably.
    I don’t have constant heartburn.
    I’m not super self conscious of people catching a glimpse of my giant panties at the Laundromat.
    My hair and nails are both healthier. Maybe a side effect of a better diet?
    If you were ever really big, you know what happens when your pelvic floor muscles get weak and then you sneeze! :embarassed: Happily, I do NOT pee my pants from sudden movements anymore.
    I stopped snoring like a motor boat!
    It doesn’t take me 20 minutes of careful face positioning, makeup in the right places, and careful lighting to take a good picture that doesn’t make my head look like a 4 chinned pumpkin.
    Once you’re not the fat friend, people don’t always assume you were the one who farted when a sudden “aroma” occurs. :laugh:
    Sitting Indian Style (or criss-cross apple sauce) is no longer impossible.
    I don’t look at the weight limits on things anymore. I’m not worried about a 250 lb limit on chairs, fitness equipment, air mattresses, playground equipment, et cetera….
    I don’t have to wear clothes designed for women double my age. I don’t look ten years older than I am.
    Getting out of bed doesn’t make me feel like a turtle flipped over on its shell.

    Anything else guys? Things that you never realized would get better or improve your quality of life after you lost weight?

    Wow!!!! Good for you!!!!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Better energy level. Less sitting. I'm getting more things done around the house and yard.
    I can see part of my body that I couldn't see before and discovered I have 3 moles there. I don't know how long they have been there but I know about them now.
    I can touch my toes and pick things up off the floor... it is easier to tie my shoes without putting my foot up on a chair. Easier to clip toenails.
    I can wear pants with a zipper and shirts that button instead of just stretchy knits.
    I think I can sing better because my lung capacity seems better.
    I thought my mattress was bad because I hurt all the time and couldn't get comfortable at night. I was going to buy a new one. Lost weight and the same mattress is fine. Saved a chunk of money and sleeping better.
    Reports are that I snore less.
    I don't worry about being stuck in the bathtub.
    I think my balance is better.
    Dh says I seem more in the mood for sex.
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    Being able to outrun my 5yo son is pretty amazing! That obviously came with jogging a little bit more each time I tried, but I wouldn't have had the desire to try without starting the weight loss journey.

    Another one is learning other things I needed to work on. Losing weight makes me more conscientious of myself: -I'm more aware of my posture
    -I drink more water to fuel my energy
    -My personal favorite is that I no longer feel guilty when eating "bad foods" because I log everything, and there is no bad food when you log it all.
  • Dvdgzz
    Dvdgzz Posts: 437 Member
    -My personal favorite is that I no longer feel guilty when eating "bad foods" because I log everything, and there is no bad food when you log it all.

    Exactly, I wish I could get this through to some people but it seems they will never stop feeling guilty about a piece of pizza, etc,.

    My personal favorite is actually shopping for clothes. They look soooo much better when you can get stuff that is form fitting without constantly tugging on it when walking around.