Some New Friends Would be Awesome :D

Hey there everybody!

I recently signed up on MFP over the weekend after joining a gym. I finally decided that I really need to work on exercising regularly and eating better in order to trim, tone, and tighten. I just want to feel good about myself and how I look… especially since summer and the warmer days of spring are fast approaching!

I officially started working out last Wednesday, and I plan on continuing to work out 6 days/week. Unfortunately, my workout buddy hasn’t been living up to her “title.”

I got a particular type of membership so that we could work out together and she wouldn’t have to pay a dime. I even purchased her some new sneakers and workout attire because she didn’t have any and couldn’t afford it at the time. She came with me on the first day and since then (Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and likely today) hasn’t shown any interest in coming back.

I not only hoped that we would go to the gym together, but that we would motivate each other, and spend time discussing and doing research on implementing healthier eating habits into our lifestyles. Needless to say, I feel kind of burned. If anything, she’ll be more of an occasional buddy with whom I can go to the gym with if I beg her enough.

Anyway, I’m just looking for some new friends. We can motivate each other, learn from each other, and enjoy achieving our unique weight loss/fitness/healthy eating goals together! It’d be particularly awesome to have some newbie friends as well (i.e. those who joined sometime this year) since it’s like we’ll be starting this “journey” together. But I’d appreciate any and all friends.

FYI: I’m 23, 5’2”, and weighed in at 142 lbs. when I stepped on the scale for the first time in forever last Saturday. I’d like to lose anywhere from 20 – 27 lbs. over the next 3 months or so! :)