No motivation here

:frown: I'm having a hard time getting motivated to exercise...I have plenty of time beofre work to do it but instead I sleep in. And it's not like I don't get enough sleep!

So here's to tomorrow morning!!!!:drinker:


  • jonbanuelos
    Just keep the main goal in mind!! you can do it
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    what do you do for exercise? maybe you have to find something fun and new to do to get you excited about it...either that or new tennis shoes or a gadget like a HRM...those are the things that get me motivated to exercise!
  • missygal
    missygal Posts: 60
    I tied Slim 6 but boring to me. Right now I'm just walking on the treadmill and doing some weights.
  • PoisonSugar
    From your profile pic, I see you have a dog that would love a 20 minute walk in the morning. Walking is one of the best things you can do!! Small steps are what matter!

    Get excited about exercising. Buy a new work out outfit, purchase an iTunes card, or rock out to your favorite 80's tunes via youtube (depending on age... 70's? 90's?), just dance! Dancing for 20 minutes will elevate your heart rate enough to burn fat.

    Set your alarm! Don't give yourself the chance to argue... You're getting up and exercising and that's FINAL! : )

    You can do this!! You've started in the right direction by joining... Now take charge of your mind and just DO IT!!

    Good luck!
  • jessicajoy87
    Good luck! I know how hard it can be to get up early and exercise. I usuall y want to sleep in as much as I can because I have three kids waiting for me and they are exhausting!
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    If you are like me, your mind has to be in the right place before you can tackle the long hard process of getting in shape. Is your mind there? Do you have a lot of weight to lose? Do you want to lose it? Do you want to get healthy? Do you want to feel really good about yourself? It ain't going to happen from sleeping in. If you can't get out of bed before work to exercise, how about exercising at work (don't know what kind of work you do) Do you have stairs? Can you join a Biggest Loser group? I walk my 2 - 15 minute breaks, and I walk my 30 minute lunch. That's an hour of exercise before I even hit the gym after work for another hour or so of kick boxing class. It really REALLY makes a difference. So think about what you really want deep down. You wanna sleep in? Or do you want to look hot in a pair of jeans? You are worth it......make the time to exercise. Even if it's after work. Good luck to you! NOBODY in the world can do it for have to do it for you. And remember to keep your food healthy and small portions. Eat 2 protiens, 3 veggies, 1 fat, 2 starches, 1 dairy. And thats it for the day. Still hungry? Tough...drink LOTS of water. No soda. Do this strickly for 7 weeks. You will lose wieght. I did it. 22 pounds in 7 weeks. And I'm still going strong.
  • missygal
    missygal Posts: 60
    From your profile pic, I see you have a dog that would love a 20 minute walk in the morning. Walking is one of the best things you can do!! Small steps are what matter!

    Get excited about exercising. Buy a new work out outfit, purchase an iTunes card, or rock out to your favorite 80's tunes via youtube (depending on age... 70's? 90's?), just dance! Dancing for 20 minutes will elevate your heart rate enough to burn fat.

    Set your alarm! Don't give yourself the chance to argue... You're getting up and exercising and that's FINAL! : )

    You can do this!! You've started in the right direction by joining... Now take charge of your mind and just DO IT!!

    Good luck!

    Thank you for all that! Love the part " Now take charge of your mind and just DO IT!! "
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    and DITTO on what Poison Sugar said. AMEN SISTA!
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    Nothing says hit the snooze like walking on a treadmill, how about grabbing a kickboxing class at a local YMCA. Maybe pilates or yoga is more your speed, you can grab a cheap DVD for $10 at WalMart (or rent one for free from the local library even). Try a cardio dance, zumba,or how about belly dance or hawaiian dance class or tape. You can download a new video each day from netflix or hulu for a little variety, try some step, some bootcamp. Get some scenery by walking in a park when the weather permits it. Do some water aerobics, or just swim laps if that's your thing.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I were going to walk on a treadmill, I would not feel motivated to hop out of bed either! I pick things that really get me excited. I infuse A LOT of variety into my workouts (in fact of the above mentioned zumba is only one I have not done, lol, and I want to!), to keep it fresh for not only my muscle groups, but also my mind, because if I'm bored I am way less likely to want to work out at all.

    Find stuff that gets you excited! Then mix it up! :bigsmile:
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    YA! What she said! ha ha! Very good sweet4keeps22 Very motivating and very true. Keep it fun or she probably won't ever do it.