Any tips for binge eaters?



  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    intermittent fasting + volumetrics + exercise + lots of water help me keep it in check for the most part. I still binge twice a month or so.

    Also I try to keep my calories as high as I possibly can while still losing weight. Restricting too much definitely causes me to binge.
  • yesmikan
    yesmikan Posts: 98 Member
    There's a Binge Eating Support Group forum here on MFP that I'd recommend joining
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Getting over my eating disorder was a spiritual experience. It wasn't any one thing that I did. I started wanting to be healthy, after years of beating up my body. I did seek therapy. I wanted the way that I feed myself to be an expression of love. That worked for me. I haven't binged, starved, or done anything worse, since I was 19.

    Sometimes I think of my body as a loyal dog that would do anything possible to obey me. I can't mistreat a pet.

    ^Interesting spin on this subject. I really like this. Thank you.:flowerforyou:
  • Maggie1moo
    Maggie1moo Posts: 89 Member
  • penneyEmma
    im the queen of binge eating. i find i have to monitor every. single. thing. i put into my mouth. one mess up and im out of commission from a week to a couple months at least. i tell myself its okay, whats one meal? truth is, it turns into much more than that.

    i eat for comfort. i am in love with food. we have a relationship. its mostly one sided. food gives and gives and i keep taking. ive gained almost half the weight back i lost. sad day.

    saw a few skinny pictures of myself the other day. since then ive done wonderfully. i went immediately to the grocery store and bought good for me food.

    i literally just discovered today, that if i eat a small meal every few hours, i dont think about food as much. i also started drinking a ton of water. i must say, i feel a lot better. my face is even skinnier than just last week.

    i want to be skinny again. i dont want to worry about whether or not you can see my backfat through my shirt. or if i sit down do i have that roll. or if the bra's too tight you can see the fat above the bra and under my arm pits.

    i cant fit any of my old clothes, and i refuse to buy bigger. its a frame of mind. food doesnt love you back.

    This is actually me. If I deviate even slightly from my eating plan then I completely lose control and it takes me ages to get it back. On Wednesday I was given a Hummingbirds cupcake and it was delicious, I couldnt resist it but then that marked the brink of a very slippery slope that I am currently sliding down. I am in freefall right now. My binge eating disgusts me yet I cannot stop - its like I am possessed.

    Sigh, just dont know how to combat it. So fed up right now
  • lambchoplewis
    I know that "binge demon" that posses your body. It is like you are not even there and food is getting shoved into your mouth. You look for the stingiest - best tasting foods in the house. I hate this. I have been getting much better at it but... it does happen about once a month. Usually after a few glasses of wine at an event.... I cannot deviate from my routine as I never know if the "demon" will take over.

    I do know that IF this happens, the only thing to do is get right back on track. It will take 2-3 days to feel better and for me, a week to get back to pre-binge weight. I do find that weighing myself every morning helps stop me from stuffing things into my mouth that I should not eat as I know I will have to face the scale in the morning and I like to see a "happy number".
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Do you think you might be eating too few of calories? Maybe your body is trying to tell you it needs more. If you're too scared to do that, try eating a meal that lasts at least 20 minutes since that's how long it takes for your brain to process if you're full or not
    This might not be true for everyone but I know most peoples' binges aren't hunger-based, they're psychological. Even if her body is getting enough food & calories physiologically, she might feel deprived simply because she knows she's on a diet, meaning she's not "allowed" to eat certain foods or certain amounts of food. These leads to random compulsive urges to eat excessive amounts. Almost all dieters binge. And running away from your "binge foods" won't help either. Not keeping them in the house even further enforces the thought that you can't control yourself, and that certain foods are off limits, giving them a stronger hold on you.
  • Sizethree4Ever
    Sizethree4Ever Posts: 120 Member
    MFP has been an eye opener for me. I have discovered that my binging episodes was due to my normal diet being completely inadequate. When I started logging my food I realized I was only consuming about 800 calories a day and exercising on top of that. (MFP has given me 1200) My body was not getting enough nutrients or fuel. I would keep this up for a few weeks and then one day just binge and not stop. I would binge for a few weeks and eventually start feeling guilty and hate myself and then starve again. Vicious cycle. So check your diet, make sure you are consuming the correct amount of calories and that your food choices are good healthy one. Hope this helps.
