The age old question, looking for some input

Hey guys, I just switched from a different site so my journal isn't incredibly helpful, I'm just sort of looking for support and suggestions from new people at this point.

I work out 60 minutes 5 days a week and then teach fitness for 2 hours 2 days a week. I have a lot of muscle, but don't seem to be getting leaner.

I dieting myself down 30lbs using Weight Watchers about 3 years ago (yay!) but then messed up my metabolism wanting to be smaller, and smaller, and smaller ( at least that's what my nutritionist is guessing). That is the reason my calorie intake is only 1150 per day, my typical calories burned was only 1051 when we started meeting (yeah I know) and we've been trying to build back up to.

ANYWAY, I'm frustrated, I'm stuck at 129lbs, when dehydrated, and nothing is coming off. My workout burns about 300 calories, I should be intaking about 100ish less than I burn normally, and then I have a very active second job, so I should be adding up to 500. I'm just stuck here and it's frustrating.

I've tried taking a break from diet and exercise but I just went from 126 to 129 which is where I'm stuck now. Tried intaking different amounts of calories per day, tried upping protein more and lowering carbs, checked out my sodium levels, and tried varying my exercise... I don't get it. Any other ideas?

This is like a 3 month plateau but it is coming after a long bout of depression. I bounced back pretty fast and then, bam, here I am.