Rewarding Yourself



  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    I would like to get some new jewelry, manicure, pedicure, and new clothes!!:smile::smile:
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    My problem is I haven't really set any weight loss goals. Growing up I never really received any rewards for anything I did. I always got the classic, "I know you got First Place but you can do better." or "When you quitting because you know you're a quitter." or "I don't have time for you because my life is more important." (that one was from my parents.) So personally for me achieving something doesn't really feel like achieving something.

    I guess I'd like that as a reward. To feel like I have finally accomplished something or to finally have someone tell me I did a good job.

    You've lost 20 pounds - that's a huge accomplishment! Great job!:flowerforyou:
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I of course I want my clothes to fit, but with that said I'm not much of a clothes hog. So I would never consider new clothes much of a reward. I don't much care what my hair looks like (as long as it isn't horrendous that is), I cut it myself. So having my hair done wouldn't feel like much of a reward. What do I get excited about? Well ... I'm a gear head. I want new gear, I'm always dreaming about new gear, looking through catalogs and looking at the latest. So I guess I want to reward myself with new gear. While reading through what other's have said I realized that today I have just hit my 10% goal WooHoo! I need to go look in my catalogs and see what my reward is going to be. :laugh:
  • shellymcshell
    shellymcshell Posts: 5 Member
    This might sound cheesy, but I am planning on buying myself a charm bracelet, that way every time I meet a goal, in this and in other parts of life, I'll get a charm to add to it, just a little charm to remind myself how well I am doing. I like jewelry so this reward system works for me

    My two friends who joined with me and I are planning on doing this together, actually. So not so cheesy. :)
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    Dude formula drift is awesome! totally worth it. good idea!