How did you keep the weight off after 30DS?

khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
I did the 30 Day Shred back in October and got some great results, I then went on to do several other Jillian & Biggest Loser DVDs, now I have started running.
I have about 5-7lbs max to go until I will have reached my goal (I reached my initial and I am trying to suss how low I want to go until I am happy with my body as I still have an untoned stomach) and another 1-2 inches.
I am considering starting the 30 Day Shred again to get myself to my target but I am worried that after if I go back to running 2-3 times per week that my hard work will go to waste.
So I am wondering what people did to maintain the figure they got from 30 Day Shred and if you need to keep up with weights to maintain it?


  • syntaxxor
    syntaxxor Posts: 86
    Being slim and fit is a lifestyle, not something you simply stop doing. If you're eating a certain way and working out; obviously you've been able to do it this long, why not KEEP doing it?

    You could obviously switch up your work out routines to something more casual, but you should really never stop.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Being slim and fit is a lifestyle, not something you simply stop doing. If you're eating a certain way and working out; obviously you've been able to do it this long, why not KEEP doing it?

    You could obviously switch up your work out routines to something more casual, but you should really never stop.

    Did you read my entire post? Never did I mention stopping. I am speaking about what workout routine do people go to AFTER 30DS to maintain the results they got from it. As it's a 30 day program.
    I did the 30 Day Shred back in October and got some great results, I then went on to do several other Jillian & Biggest Loser DVDs, now I have started running.
    I am considering starting the 30 Day Shred again to get myself to my target but I am worried that after if I go back to running 2-3 times per week that my hard work will go to waste.