MFP's "In 5 weeks you will weigh..." True or False?

When your daily diary entry is complete and it says what you are expected to weigh in 5 weeks is displayed is this accurate for any of you guys who have stuck with it for the end of the 5 week period, and if so what does it say on the day the 5 week period is up.


  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    It was close... but it says if EVERY day were like to day (or words to that effect)... you'd weigh... While my days can be similar sometimes, rarely are they exactly alike. However, thoughout the entire 243 days it took me to get to my goal weight i was ALWAYS less at any point than I was five weeks previously.
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    It always says if everyday were like today and every day is different (for me at least) so no it isn't really a true reflection.