My Fitness Goal: Disney Princess Half Marathon

mcfrlndsgirl Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So I started MFP over a year ago and well, things haven't really worked out the way I wanted them too. Life got in the way, motivation was lacking and I didn't have a real fitness goal to work towards so my workouts were sort of aimless. It is hard for me to go to the gym just for the sake of going since I grew up as an athlete and everything I did had a training related purpose that was directly connected to some aspect of the game.

Well, I have found the goal and motivation for my workouts this year. Saturday, May 1st I will be registering for the Disney Princess Half Marathon. I have never really been a runner but everything I have heard about this race makes it sound awesome and it feels like a great goal. I'm not worried about a great time, I'm not even worried about running the entire thing, my goal is to finish. I have begun training slowly with walking and running and will eventually work up to just running and then adding a little along to the distance.

I know the race isn't cheap especially when you add in everything but I think that if it gives me the motivation I need to finally get moving it will all be worth it. My husband and I are already planning and saving so that it can be an awesome weekend for the two of us.(as long as the Army cooperates, haha yeah right) I will be running with at least one other Army wife but hopefully there will be a group of us. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I feel like 10 months is plenty of time to train for this event and make sure I cross that finish line.

I can't wait to see what this year will bring.


  • This is AWESOME!! Let me know if you're ever in Temple and want to run together! I'm definitely not up to very long distances yet, and I go pretty slow, but it's a process, right? I've done a few 5k races (walk/jog) and they're so fun. It's a great way to build up to longer races.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Great! I know someone else who is doing that race. Maybe I'll direct her over here.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    My friend said to check out the running forums on for lots of motivation.
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    The Princess half was in March, are you doing the Disney World Half in January? I am thinking of doing it as well, but I'm not sure yet because my team was picked in the lottery for the Nike Womens in San Fran in October. eeek! I plan to walk/run it in SF. Disney has a 16-min mile pace requirement which is different than other races that just require you to finish within a certain period of time so that's my major concern personally since I am pretty slow right now.
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    Nevermind, I just did the math for the 10-month training period you stated which would make it March 2011. So exciting! Their races sound so fun! Maybe we'll both be running there if I don't do the one in January!
  • yeah it is March 2011. There is no way I could do anything much sooner. I may try to do a 5 k or something the end of the summer and maybe a 10k in late fall/early winter but right now I am just working on learning to run. I know they have the 16 minute mile but I don't think that will be too hard to do. I feel that I can probably be able to run and walk it and keep it under 16 minutes.

    Right now I am just aggravated that they don't have registration open yet. It was supposed to open on may 1st but it has yet to start and emailing them gets you a vague response of "early summer 2010" I just want to get registered and have it officially on the books as a little more motivation.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    What a great goal! Good luck and happy running :smile:
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