exercising while doing the medifast diet

So I have been doing the medifast diet for about 2 1/2 months now and lost a little over 18 pounds. I then realized I wanted something more and I wanted to feel good about myself so I started the C25K app about 3 weeks ago and I loved it!! I was not a active person before this and I loved getting to a goal each day. Yesterday I was introduced to the 30 day shred video and have started it. Ill admit today it kicked my butt!! My concern and question is...... Since I started working out I have not lost any more weight and this is depressing. I have 5 medifast shakes a day that are about 100 calories each and I'm allowed a lean and green meal. 7 oz of lean protein and 3 cups of green veggies. I drink about 80 oz of water daily of not more and on occasion have a diet pepsi but not very often..... What can I do to up the weight loss? I have noticed my jeans fit better so maybe im just losing inches???

Please no mean comments im looking for advice.


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I hope you're doing this exercise with doctor's approval given how much you're restricting calories.

    As for scale versus inches, I'll take inches lost over numbers on some scale any day.

    Also you can end up quite a few pounds heavier thanks to water weight when you start or intensify a workout and that weight can stick around for weeks or over a month.

    My advice: Toss the scale and go by how your clothes are fitting and by tape measure.
  • Yes, My doctor advised me to start this diet as I tried the adapex pill and it made me very sick. I'm hoping over time ill learn the right ways to eat so I can not do a liquid diet and I can learn to fuel my body with clean food.
  • Do you have a health coach? They give you a guide that explains the types of exercises you can do while on the Medifast 5&1. If you don't have one, I'd be more than happy to help you. I've lost over 50lbs on the program and kept if off for over two years. It's a great program and you can slowly work in exercises!