harsh realization



  • nataliedrake3
    nataliedrake3 Posts: 23 Member
    I still eat the foods I love, just in moderation. My daughter wanted homemade pizza for her 16th birthday over the weekend. I did not deprive myself, I ate 2 small pieces with a salad. I don;t feel like I am missing out anymore. I have lost 25 pounds in a little over 80 days. I am proud of myself for sticking with it. You should be proud of yourself as well.
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    Honey....portion control (one palm size helping) and EXERCISE! I think you will be surprised that you can still have much of the food that you love.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    not true...moderation
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    if what's important to you, is a large portion size, learn how to make it in a healthier way.
    it doesn't have to be organic, cost fifty bucks to make, make a healthier version with is more filling, or in some way allows you to have a big portion of the flavor you love. if it's the specific flavor, it has to be ben and jerry's then yes, need to learn portion control
    and be satisfied with a smaller amount for more flavor.

    make baked sesame white meat chicken instead of the fried version
    make fried rice with brown rice, it's really easy to make it flavorful enough this way, and just use your left overs.
    any korean, chinese, japanese, etc food based on veggies is going to be healthy.
    decide if having a bowl of rice which is 400 cal is worth it to you. if not there are tons of alternatives.

    in almost every case, i'd rather have more, than the tiny portion of the original stuff.
    (this does not apply to fake sweetener, sugar free jello is not the same.)

    orange or grape fruit instead of juice for breakfast, way more filling and satisfying for less calories.
    well you get the idea.
  • Joshalynn
    Joshalynn Posts: 12 Member
    I know what you mean. Awhile ago I realized I had to quit fast food, all together. Whenever I start eating it I start craving it and spiral downward. Eventually gaining weight back. The longer I go without it, the easier it gets. It's about knowing your body. You only have the one so get to know her and it will make your life easier.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    only thing I really had to cut was craft beer consumption... i need to show a bit more restraint... I still eat everything else in moderation.... i avoid crap like hotdogs and fried foods because they simply arent worth the calories... pizza on the other hand, totally worth it...

    Things like deep fried sticks of butter at the Wisconsin state fair are things that are high on the list of "simply not worth it"... lol... in the same vein I still will eat a giant 1000 calorie cream pie because its tradition...

    btw.. i eat ice cream almost every day.... and im by no means a "hard gainer" or ectomorph.. im mesomorphic
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    its ok to mourn the loss of your friend. you almost have to imagine burying that friend and saying goodbye. I had to weep once in my car when I realized I had no more binge comfort and nothing to entertain me when i was lonely.
  • mountaingirl2207
    What you love will start to change as you get healthier. Its true that you can eat some of your faves in moderation, but if you look at it as a lifestyle change, you may no longer want to. Once you see how much better you feel when you are eating well, you'll never want to go back.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    its ok to mourn the loss of your friend. you almost have to imagine burying that friend and saying goodbye. I had to weep once in my car when I realized I had no more binge comfort and nothing to entertain me when i was lonely.

    I can see that some may have more of an emotional relationship with food than others, but why mourn if you can still see your friend every now and then? Especially if you're making new & better friends, like seared tilapia or dancing?
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    It's all about learning portion sizes and eating in moderation. There's no need to say you'll "never" eat those things again, just don't eat them all the time. Save them for special occasions. Or, when you make mac and cheese, just don't make so much of it so that you can pre-plan the portion size you'll eat. Or learn ways to make low-calorie versions of the things you like so you don't have to feel so guilty eating them. Losing weight is a lot more fun when you're not completely cutting yourself off from the things you enjoy most :)
  • oldbury8663
    OH, I so know what you mean. Many of us use food just as any other addict does..............to cope with life. I have tried to loose weight for many years and finally went to a therapist who uses the ACT method. It has taught me to not only use other things as a coping mechanism, but also that many of the things I was so afraid of just are not real......so therefore do not need a coping mechanism. I call it the "there is no spoon" idea. Up until about two and half months ago I would have lost weight, but regained it because I was doing it with "will power", which is basically the same as a drunk white knuckling through sobriety. In the end it does not work. So off to therapy I went. I have a certainty I have never known and know I am on my way to a healthier me. And truth be told....I do not miss food. But I do morn the amount of time in my life I gave up to it.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I have never felt this way!!! Once I reached my goal I got to eat more!!! Even with a low calorie allowance if you want something, make a plan to eat it! I don't eat large portions of Chinese food like I used to but I can now if I want to. I can make room in the week for a big pig out on the weekend! Take your time, one day at a time, don't worry about future deprivation. It doesn't have to feel this way:)
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    Totally know that feeling. I used to be that type who could eat anything I wanted when I played sports for the NCAA and rode for the IHSA school teams. And when I worked full time as the Head Stable groom running around 6 days a week for over 10 hours a day on a farm. I miss those times at times. But I know I'm the only one holding myself back when it comes to giving in to my weak will for sweets and wanting more to eat.