net calories?!?!

I am so confused!! I thought the whole point of exercise was to burn off those calories, not to just eat them back again. I feel like this is one of the only websites I've come across that takes net calories into account. I know there have been other topics about this, but i'm still not getting it because I feel like going for amount of calories eaten is just as effective. could someone please explain this concept to me?


  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    When you set you goals in MFP it automatically gave you the deficit in calories needed to obtain your weightloss goal. It took into consideration your tdee and then subtracts say 500 calories a day (for recommended 1 pound a week) and the daily allotment to the total of that. So if you then add additional exercise to it you create a larger deficit which can be unhealthy if to large so it's recommended to eat those calories back.

    I Have found for me if I eat an average of 50-75% of those back I have a steady loss each week.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    it's all about your deficit.
    basically mfp doesn't wan't you under eating, but they also want you to get fit while losing weight so you're not "skinny-fat"
    you can lose weight without exercise but if you wan't to be fit, you should probably do some exercise. but you also shouldn't go under your calories too much.
    some people don't eat exercise calories back, but i think if you're only eating 1200 cals a day, you should definitely eat them back.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I ate all of mine back and lost it all. It's healthier to do it this way if you want to keep it off for good. I'm sure you don't want to be yoyo dieting forever do you?
  • xxstormynightsxx
    Thank you all, I really appreciate your answers! It is starting to make a bit more sense, and it is quite an interesting concept. Also, mockchoc - no, I am not planning on nor have I ever had an issue with yo-yo dieting. I make lifestyle changes with things that I know I can sustain for the rest of my life. I've lost 24 lbs in the past year and I have felt fine with keeping it off. I would just like to lose 6-10 more lbs and then eat maintenance from there on out.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    Eating 1400 calories and not exercising is not the same as eating 1,800 calories and running off 400.

    1. You get more NUTRITION. It is important and this way there is less stress on your body. Don't discount micros.

    2. It is more sustainable. It is a lifestyle you will need to keep up for as long as you want to keep the weight off.

    3. Your cardiovascular system improves and you build muscle. You won't build them if you don't eat calories back. Muscles in turn build more calories.

    4. You keep your metabolism from slowing down - that's body's natural reaction to prolonged calorie deficit.
  • xxstormynightsxx
    Eating 1400 calories and not exercising is not the same as eating 1,800 calories and running off 400.

    1. You get more NUTRITION. It is important and this way there is less stress on your body. Don't discount micros.

    2. It is more sustainable. It is a lifestyle you will need to keep up for as long as you want to keep the weight off.

    3. Your cardiovascular system improves and you build muscle. You won't build them if you don't eat calories back. Muscles in turn build more calories.

    4. You keep your metabolism from slowing down - that's body's natural reaction to prolonged calorie deficit.

    All good points. Thank you for your thoughtful response!!