The Fast Diet

I am new to my fitness pal and was recommended by the fast diet blog. I am on day 1 week 1 of the fast diet. Excited to get in shape for the summer. I have a 4 month old baby ( child #3) and I want my body back!!!!!!!!! We will see how it goes for me.


  • ColdFeetWarmHeart
    ColdFeetWarmHeart Posts: 18 Member

    I've been following (loosely) the fast diet / 5:2 diet for 5 weeks now. To be honest I have struggled to stick to it these last couple of weeks, but that is mainly due to being ill and feeling shattered (and therefore craving food!).

    I have a 6 month old daughter - I still have about 12lbs of baby weight to lose, plus about 3-4 st of "office boredom weight".

    A little tip - measure yourself this week (your first) and then every 4 weeks. I have found that I haven't lost much weight (at 4 weeks I had lost only 1 lb), but I had lost several inches!! I lost 3 inches from my hips alone in that time!! I'm not exactly sure how I managed that as I did hardly any exercise in those 4 weeks, but hey, I'm not complaining too much!! lol

    Really do try and stick to it as much as you can - keep in mind it is just one day, you can have that choccie bar, or sandwich tomorrow. I did really well the first 2 weeks (lost 4.5lbs) and I only calorie counted on my fast days. On my feast days I let myself have whatever I wanted (chocolate, cake, hot chocolate topped with squirty

    Good luck!!
  • StephanieCo3
    StephanieCo3 Posts: 122 Member
    i hadn't heard of it til you mentioned it, but it looks interesting.
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Hi! I just started the Fast Diet on Monday and so far so good. There is a group (probably several) here at MFP that are dedicated to the 5:2 eating plan. I belong to this one: and have made some friends already which is so helpful.

    Please feel free to add me if you are looking for support for this eating plan and best of luck to you!
  • thailz
    thailz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi , I've been doing The Fast Diet and I'm into the 4th week. I really love it. My jeans are now getting looser and I don't have that muffin top anymore. I have lost 2 kilos on the scales but I wish I measured myself before I started. I love the fact I don't have to count calories anymore (other than on my fast days) I also haven't told anyone (other than my partner)that I'm on this as people can be negative. The first day I fasted was really hard but I'm now used to it. I find that having an egg and a piece of bread is helping me get through to dinner. I really wish I knew about this way of life sooner as I feel quite liberated !:happy:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    ITS GREAT!, there is a good group on here too.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    My boss started this diet in January he has lost and out back on the same 4kg twice in that time. I wouldn't do it, but sometimes I think it's good to try new things to find out what works and what doesn't.
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I tried it but it was too much for me... The 5:2 is in my opinion not feasible; it is a huge stress for me and by all means not something that I could do for weeks (oh boy, no!!!). I lose weight by sticking to 1200 daily calories; when I am at goal, I need 1500 to maintain.

    I hate fasting!