I was going to post this on FB but I chose not too.

Okay I will truthfully tell everyone what happened today. Even if no one cares about me enough to know. I went to the mall to get a haircut and buy female clothes because all my clothes are made for men. I ended up getting a haircut that makes me look like willy wonka. While the image in mind looked good I guess I don't really look good at all my bangs are too short. So that was okay I could live with that. What kills me is that when I go into stores to buy clothes they say XL but when I try them on they don't even go over my body and my thighs jiggle and so does my stomach, I go into the dressing room with about 4 things and I come out with nothing because nothing is made to fit me. So I go over to a store that sells large womans clothes but other people are int here and I start feeling sick in my stomach and the area around me gets dizzy and I start crying to myself under my hoodie. I run out of the store feeling sick and I have my fiance come get me and I can't stop crying for some reason.


  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    What you feel is completely normal. You've realized that you need to change your body and yourself. I've cried to myself plenty of times because I've felt too big or I couldn't do anything about the clothes that didn't fit me anymore. Take this day as an initiative and start tomorrow fresh clean and ready for your progress to show. It's going to take awhile, but every little bit helps and each day is a new day of a journey that has a treasure at the end. You said you have a fiance? Maybe make that treasure your wedding day to look your best and feel your best. Good luck with everything and add me if you feel you need more motivation. Mostly everyone on here is here to help. If it wasn't for others I wouldn't be one here. I've started my journey plenty of times and have fallen off, but this week I feel i NEED to change not. So it's like a new beginning for me too.
  • Thank you so much, when he isn't home I feel so alone.
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    I know you aren't the only person to have felt like that. And it's harder still when you are young and clothes that are your age are too small even in the xl or xxls and then you go to a plus size store and so many of the clothes are too old for you- at least they don't have shoulder pads too much any more.

    Your early post said you were at 213- I'm not sure what size you wear, but I'm currently at 247 and am in an 18-20 pants and shirts I need a 2 or 3x depending on the store and the fit. I've had better luck finding clothes that are more my age at Old Navy and Gap- and their online stores have more availability with plus size. I think if you could find some clothes you like that fit you right that would help you.

    Keep at it, can you walk ten minutes 3x a day? 2 x a day or every other day? Even at a leisurely rate- just something to get some more activity in? With knee injuries it's hard, but maybe if you know you're going to go for a walk at 6 pm- you could take some tylenol around 5 pm? My uncle is a Physical Therapist and some times he knows he's going to make you "hurt" at the appointment and will tell his clients to take some tylenol or advil before the appointment.

    I wish you success and if you think I can be a help to you let me know.

    And count your blessings- you are young, you can make changes and it sounds like you have a great guy in your life who wants to help you succeed. When you want to run out of the dressing room crying- get home, cry it out but then look up and out at what you have going for you you know?
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    Look, you came to the right place. I got as high as 270 and am at 216, still more than you.
    I just got down to a size 18 pants, so no longer have to go to the big girls store. You will get there tool.
    This is a good place to lose weight. You can make friends, ask questions, both give and get support.
    Yet you still stay anonymous. Good deal.
    It is free and the best rated of all the diet plans, including the ones that cost the most!
    Nothing is easy, but it is worth it.
    Consider this not a diet to lose weight, but a lifelong change in life style.
    Eat more vegetables, fruit, and lean protein.
    Avoid wheat and junk food.
    I plan to treat myself to a hot fudge sundae every time I hit another mark for losing 5 pounds.
    I have one coming up--one more pound.
    I tell you, the sundae is all the sweeter when I know I earned it and am getting better.
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    sent you a message :-)
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    What you experienced is an anxiety attack. I get them as well, although usually about other things. It is a horrible, all-consuming, extremely upsetting feeling. I also always end up seeking the comfort of my significant other. Many people get anxiety attacks in uncomfortable public situations (like being in a store that depresses you after getting a hair cut that depresses you! You poor thing that sounds like the worst day ever!)

    Stay strong and continue on this journey. Appreciate your fiance but know that you have to do this for YOU so that you can be strong inwardly and not just when he's around.

    You can do this!!! Good luck!
  • Just take a step back and breathe...I think everyone has had a moment like that-that we can all relate to in some way....

    What I have been reminding myself is that change-ANY change does not happen overnight.
    If you are trying to change your behavior-it takes time...and practice. I think that is one thing that everyone forgets-you have to practice something for it to be a behavior. Eating/what foods you choose/how you eat is a HABIT-so you have to break the habit/make the change.

    I would recommend that you go to a store that you know the clothes will fit and get yourself at least 1 outfit that you feel good in-because they are out there. And don't get hung up on size....My size 14 are more snug than my 12's sometimes because of what material they are and if they are dried etc.....

    Hope this helps <3 you can message me if you need someone to talk to
  • Thanks, I don't usually go out and shop for myself. I spend most my time at work or at home and the one time I wanted to treat myself I guess I just screwed that up. My town doesn't really have any nice clothing stores. Guess Rue 21 is out of the question
  • Rue 21 clothes-shrink way to easily and don't fit me right.....

    I have had a great deal of luck @ American eagle but am also a huge fan of JcPenney-they have great selections is lots of sizes....and are ususally pretty cheap....
    and Kohls!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Honestly, this breaks my heart for you.
    Keep at it, can you walk ten minutes 3x a day? 2 x a day or every other day? Even at a leisurely rate- just something to get some more activity in? With knee injuries it's hard, but maybe if you know you're going to go for a walk at 6 pm- you could take some tylenol around 5 pm? My uncle is a Physical Therapist and some times he knows he's going to make you "hurt" at the appointment and will tell his clients to take some tylenol or advil before the appointment.

    The above is a wonderful suggestion though. Many body builders walk for their cardio. It is a very, very effective tool. If you can afford it, pick up a fitbit one...it will help keep you motivated to see the numbers in steps and calories go up. I've had very overweight friends get up and go for walks of an evening just to get their step count up. Where they used to obsessively eat (their specific problem, I'm not projecting that on anyone here)...they are now obsessively conscious of their activity.

    Of the two...I'd definitely pick the latter.

    Good luck to you!
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    Honestly, this breaks my heart for you.
    Keep at it, can you walk ten minutes 3x a day? 2 x a day or every other day? Even at a leisurely rate- just something to get some more activity in? With knee injuries it's hard, but maybe if you know you're going to go for a walk at 6 pm- you could take some tylenol around 5 pm? My uncle is a Physical Therapist and some times he knows he's going to make you "hurt" at the appointment and will tell his clients to take some tylenol or advil before the appointment.

    The above is a wonderful suggestion though. Many body builders walk for their cardio. It is a very, very effective tool. If you can afford it, pick up a fitbit one...it will help keep you motivated to see the numbers in steps and calories go up. I've had very overweight friends get up and go for walks of an evening just to get their step count up. Where they used to obsessively eat (their specific problem, I'm not projecting that on anyone here)...they are now obsessively conscious of their activity.

    Of the two...I'd definitely pick the latter.

    Good luck to you!

    I just got a fitbit one- it finally arrived yesterday and I'm already almost obsessive about it! It's almost addicting.