Zig Zag - Food Options

So I've decided that I'm going to start the Zig-Zag Method of Calorie Intake this next week to get my weight loss going more. I aim to burn about 500-600 calories 6 days a week, with one day of rest. I vary in what I do in that time from running, incline brisk walking, different dvd routines, toning/strength training exercises, and more. Anyways so most days my "allowed calories" is at 1800 (i start at 1200) with my exercise calories. I've been getting about 1500 in me so eat half of the calories I earned back. So I plan on going above that to like 2000 or even 2100 for probably a couple days in the next week. Then vary the other days with 1300 & 1500 and so on.

But to me 2000-2100 seems like alot of calories to consume, while eating healthy. I mean come on a big serving of vegetables is still only like 100 calories haha. Is it okay to go over on carbs and fat also during those higher days? Do I just eat things I usually wouldn't to get those calories up and enjoy some of the foods I stay away from? Any help on this would be appreciated! Thanks!

(I have looked at other posts and it talked about the zig zag method, but not about what actually goes into your body food wise during the higher days! If I missed an old post that does point that out I'm sorry and just point me in that direction please :). )


  • cardswimmom
    I am a firm believer in the zig-zag method. I have been doing it since January and have lost 33 lbs as of this morning! I give myself a day off a week or a meal off a week, it really helps not make me feel deprived or to binge on other days when I know I have that day coming up. I do eat whatever I want really (although I have given up pop since Jan and won't go back to that at all). The key is moderation. If I want ice cream or a dessert that day I have a small portion. I will say that I DON"T log my calories at all for that day - it is like a complete day off. I do exercise still though and drink my water. I still manage a weight loss for that week so I will keep doing it. Hope this helps!
  • AlyssaC2010
    AlyssaC2010 Posts: 100
    I've heard of the zig-zag method but I've never tried it. It actually sounds like a really good idea...I think I may have to try it.
  • sparklebritches
    I'm trying this after realizing this is sort of naturally what I do and have been having good luck with it.

    Though, on my high days, my calories will mostly be bumped up by things like nuts, seeds and other good fats. Mostly. ;)
  • sparklebritches
    Did you see the calculator on line for it?
  • cardswimmom
    Did you see the calculator on line for it?
    Can you post the site or link for this? Thanks!
  • sparklebritches
    Sure--I've seen it on here before. Look at the bottom of the form for the zig zag button. :)
