Just started Insanity! Has this worked for anyone??



  • biddy81
    biddy81 Posts: 122 Member
    So here's a question for some of you more experienced "Insaniacs:" I tend to do my Insanity first thing in the morning when I get up. I've tried working out before eating before, and it's never good (I have no energy/stamina and can't stick with it), but I don't want to eat a lot right before engaging in the intensity of Insanity. Is there something that provides a quick energy boost without making your body focus too much on digestion? I've just been mixing up a protein shake and taking a few sips of it before exercising, then finishing it after, but I don't know if this is a very productive way to proceed, and I want to do my very best to achieve maximum results. Any thoughts/advice? I'd really appreciate any help I can get...
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    I'm on round 3 of Insanity: 3.24 - round 3, week 4, day 24 I love it! As most of those who are further into it have said, it's a tough workout, but totally doable!

    It does not get easier, but you get better.

    My advice is always go at your own pace, watch your form, get some good cross trainers (not running shoes), modify what you have to and give your 100% each time. Take pictures and measurements and continue to do so throughout your 63 days (I ended up doing pics every rest day; and measurements about 4-5 times throughout. best.idea.ever.) The scale will not show all of the awesome progress/changes that your body is making.
    ****During round 1, I hit week 3 and people had lost 5-10 lbs or dropped a size or two already; I'd only lost 3 lbs and put on a pair of shorts that actually felt tighter. I was pissed. I told my husband to just go get us some doughnuts for breakfast. haha He convinced me to go ahead and do my measurements and weekly pics anyway. I was down 7 inches and could see noticeable differences in my body that I didn't see looking in the mirror everyday. (We are our own worst critics AND we see ourselves everyday, so it's hard to notice the changes.)****

    The only other thing I always make sure to mention is nutrition. You have to fuel your body for these workouts! You will want to be watching the number of calories you net. My first round I (not on purpose) often had days where I wasn't even netting my BMR and I now know that that's a big no-no and can impede your progress.

    I 'only' lost 8 lbs my first round but 27 inches overall. (hope I remember how to post a pic on here)


    Dig deep and keep pushing play and you'll be good to go!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. Having other Insaniacs along for the ride is always helpful too. :D

    Oh, and if anyone uses Instagram, I'm @csuperstar02. There are a ton of people doing Insanity using Ig; great for motivation! :D

    Nice results!
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Do you have to do it everyday? I would find it embarressing at weekends with my family around
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    So here's a question for some of you more experienced "Insaniacs:" I tend to do my Insanity first thing in the morning when I get up. I've tried working out before eating before, and it's never good (I have no energy/stamina and can't stick with it), but I don't want to eat a lot right before engaging in the intensity of Insanity. Is there something that provides a quick energy boost without making your body focus too much on digestion? I've just been mixing up a protein shake and taking a few sips of it before exercising, then finishing it after, but I don't know if this is a very productive way to proceed, and I want to do my very best to achieve maximum results. Any thoughts/advice? I'd really appreciate any help I can get...

    I'm also doing Insanity in the mornings before I eat anything. What works for me - and also helps me get out of bed in the morning to workout - is placing a 5-Hour Energy on my alarm every night before I go to bed. That way, when my alarm goes off in the morning, I shut it off and drink the 5-Hour Energy. This has 2 benefits: 1) Even if I find myself crawling back into bed after my alarm clock goes off, I'm not going to sleep much. Within 10 minutes, I'm awake whether I want to be or not which forces me to then get up and workout. 2) This gives me plenty of energy to push myself through my Insanity workout even on an empty stomach.
  • brydo86
    brydo86 Posts: 47 Member
    I need help and support. I am on week 4 and feeling a bit down. I have lost a bit of weight according to the scale but not really feeling much off in relation to inches. I want to beat this. I keep up with it as best as I can and with my HRM I find my min avg has been 141 for the workouts. I have tried to follow the nutrition guide but with work and things I have struggled but I do eat meals from the guide and believe I consume enough calories.

    Coming into recovery week and then its the insane insane stuff!! HELP!
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    I'm On My First Week Of Round 2 Of Insanity. It Never Gets Easy. My Legs Burned Everyday But I Did It. I Never Hit A Plateau During The Program But I Never Lost More Than 2 Lbs Per Week. I Stuck To The Nutrition Guide As Much As I Could. Towards The End Is When My Diet Was Closer To 40/40/20. I Lost A Total Of 20 Lbs And Noticed A Huge Difference In My Fit Test Results. But I Agree, Some Ppl Don't Lose Weight The First Month. Just Stick With It. You'll Love The End Results. (:
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    So here's a question for some of you more experienced "Insaniacs:" I tend to do my Insanity first thing in the morning when I get up. I've tried working out before eating before, and it's never good (I have no energy/stamina and can't stick with it), but I don't want to eat a lot right before engaging in the intensity of Insanity. Is there something that provides a quick energy boost without making your body focus too much on digestion? I've just been mixing up a protein shake and taking a few sips of it before exercising, then finishing it after, but I don't know if this is a very productive way to proceed, and I want to do my very best to achieve maximum results. Any thoughts/advice? I'd really appreciate any help I can get...

    Egg White Protein Shakes Helped Me .
    24 grams Per Serving. I Bought The Jay Robb Brand. So Far So Good.