Diet Frenzy

This is just a fun topic to hear what other crazy diet stories people have out there. For me, I had an epiphany today (well it's been awhile but I just DIDNT want to admit it). Has anyone logged onto MFP and scrolled through diaries of women who are building muscle and eating crazy amounts of carbs and STILL looking good? Or searched millions of ways to lose weight in a month the fast set way. Or got completely desperate and did diets like cabbage soup, baby food diet, lemonade drink diet, etc.? Have you gone on a "diet" and thought "Hey I could eat whatever I want on my cheat day as along as I eat healthy" but that cheat day rolls into a whole week!! I noticed that many people have these issues and I thought I was the only one.

Well to get down to my point...alot of people believe in balance and yes i agree, you shouldn't say no to ice cream your life because thats just crazy!BUT I think when you're trying to lose weight, it is SO important to take away trigger foods know cream! I was reading chicken tuna's blog (which if you haven't i suggest you do!) and she really breaks it down nicely saying that if you want to look good, you really have to eat plain food! Meaning-dont sugar coat everything. For example, Ive been trying to lose weight but trying to have a balanced diet I've been using peanut butter, still using dressings like blue cheese, drinking mai tais and eating all the sushi I want on my "cheat day". Have I been losing weight? NO! I haven't given myself time to even wean off of these things because Ive been in a mentality of "YOLO" and "its my cheat day-diet starts monday"

Yea yea I know it's not a diet but a lifestyle but I think in order to make it a lifestyle you absolutely NEED to spend time away from your trigger foods (mine is peanut butter, alcohol, nuts, chocolate). So I decided to give it up until Im at my goal weight. I can't handle having a little so never mind having it at all for now.

Has anyone had experiences like this? What did you cut out of your life in order to lose weight? Did it work? Id love to hear some funny and helpful stories!


  • Ickle_Star
    Ickle_Star Posts: 19 Member
    You go woman!! Stay focused!!

    I went to see a nutritionist late last year and got some very good results in just 3 months - 1.5kg weight loss and 2 cm around my waist + 5% drop in bodyfat.

    I didn't actually eliminate certain food groups from my diet - simpy treated carbs as a treat so had it once a day in the morning (This is carbs from bread/rice/noodle etc. Being Asian this was basically suicide, lol). Then for the sweet tooth part of me, I would swap chocolates and whatnot with a 60 cals Simply Less ice lollie - and that probably happened 2-3 times a week.

    I did try not eating any sugary snacks at all at one point - overall it lasted about 6 months. But there was a pattern. I'd be really good for 1 or 2 weeks but then one day I just binged and probably did more damage than good. I did lose a bit of weight with this "method", but it felt like torture sometimes.

    But don't let me sway you! You are determined and focused and you will get there - minus the junk. :)

    Good luck!