HELP! Caffeine Drinkers!



  • hevhoyda
    hevhoyda Posts: 146 Member
    I also LOVE my coffee...Instead of sugar or creamer though I use Stevia
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    The secret to getting more energy is less caffeine and less sugar.

    Eat a healthy well-balanced calorie-controlled diet.
    Get regular high-intensity exercise.
    Get into a healthy sleep routine.
    Take time out to read, catch up with friends/family and engage with the community.

    It will change your life.

    kind regards,

  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    I love my coffee and have one a day in the morning and often one in the afternoon before weight training. I make it at home with beans, a grinder, and a french press. It takes a couple minutes and tastes fantastic when you get the hang of it (water temperature, fineness of coffee grains, nice beans that are to your liking, steeping time).

    Coffee actually contains many anti-oxidants and is a health drink, despite the misinformation that can get thrown around. There is nothing wrong with caffeine, unless you have a ridiculous amount and/or a pre-existing medical condition. Also, caffeine is a proven performance-enhancing drug.
  • Mickeyjenny85
    Mickeyjenny85 Posts: 48 Member
    Try mixing instant coffee powder in half a cup of milk and don't add any sugar...I just love my coffee ...
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    How about just take a caffeine pill? One 200mg pill should do the trick to start.
  • knittermom07
    knittermom07 Posts: 94 Member
    Get the sugar out! There is no reason to tant coffee with the white stuff!
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I used to put about 2-3 tsp of sugar in my coffee. I eventually just cut it back to 1 tsp, then to no sugar at all. I still add whole milk and maybe a TBSP of half and half, but my coffee has about 2g sugar per serving instead of the 14g it used to contain.

    I got used to drinking coffee without sugar and actually prefer it that way now. I've tried adding sugar to my coffee as a treat from time to time, and it's gross now. I just don't like sweet coffee anymore.

    Now if I want something sweet I'll eat real ice cream or a piece of dark chocolate...or a piece of fruit. I don't have issues with sugar, I just want to consume it only when I really want something sweet.

    My morning coffee doesn't have to be sweet for me to enjoy it anymore.
  • sriley721
    sriley721 Posts: 68 Member
    My addiction was/is to diet pepsi. I have been caffeine free for about a week. Last week was ugly. I started by switching every other one with a caffeine free until I was only drinking caffeine free diet pepsi. I took a lot of excedrine because it has caffeine and is the only thing that could get rid of the withdraw headaches. Then, I alternated the excedrine with tylenol to get rid of that caffeine. This week will be only water and tylenol. Caffeine withdraw is hard but I do want to eat less without it.
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    I love coffee. I have it every morning and sometimes in the afternoon on the weekends. I only drink 1-2 cups a day, but I love the entire experience of having coffee. I love the smell and the warmth and the comfort of holding a hot mug in my hands. I don't drink soda or alcohol but I probably won't ever give up coffee.

    However, I always had to have my coffee with cream and sugar. I don't like it black but the sugar and the calories in the cream really add up. I switched to using a sugar free hazelnut creamer, which tastes awesome and is sweet enough on its own that I don't need to add any additional sugar. I slowly decreased the amount of it I needed to get the desired experience I enjoy so much. Now I only need a little splash of the stuff and I'm good to go.