Oh my freaking G-d! I haven't lost a pound in over a week now and it's starting to get a little frustrating! Granted I did crack two ribs and that is making it kind of difficult to work out, but I've been under my calorie goal this whole time, and now I have some crazy, painful pinched nerve thing in my hip. What the crap is going on?!! It feels like there are evil forces working against me. I want to be as close to 200 lbs as possible by October 16th when I go to visit my Papa (it would make him so happy) and I have 69 more lbs. to go. At this rate it's not going to be easy, not that it was ever going to be easy, but you know what I mean.

Yes, I know that I seem to be having my own personal little pity party and that being like this is counter productive but I need to get it out. Keeping these feelings bottled up isn't good for my stress level which isn't good for my family, so GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

:grumble: :embarassed: :frown: :grumble: :embarassed: :frown: :grumble: :embarassed: :frown: :grumble: :embarassed: :frown:


  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Lisa - try not to get worked up - you're doing everything right, maybe your body isn't in synch with your weigh schedule - so hang on in there and I bet when you weigh next week you will have lost some. Perhaps not weigh every day? It's a recipe for disappointment. TRY to resist and do it weekly.

    There are zillions of reasons why weight loss doesn't show, hormones please, please don't be despondent - keep at it, stay strong and next week will be better. :)
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    Keep in mind that your "monthly friend" will definitely affect the scale...but it's an ILLUSION :) It will come off. Also, watch your sodium could be water weight, and if you have been working out...muscle weighs more than fat.

    Good luck to you! Just keep plugging away and don't give up. It will happen for you...just stay on top of it! :flowerforyou:
  • Margarette
    Margarette Posts: 69 Member
    Are you still eating close to your calories? Make sure your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Also I have seen people saying that if you eat above your calories for a few days and then go back to the amount MFP tells you that this helps.
    I haven't tried it myself but it is something to look into.

    Good luck!
  • dilligas
    dilligas Posts: 1
    I feel your pain. I lost 30 pounds between March and September of last year. Have spent the rest of the time trying to get off that last ten pounds. Lots of setbacks (stress, marital strife, a breast cancer scare, the Holidays, etc.) have hampered my progress. Decided to really dig in and do my best about three weeks ago. I have only gained!! It's that "starvation mode" thing they tell me. So frustrating. I always thought that if you expended more calories than you took in, you'd lose. Not so. It's all a delicate balance act apparently and I have a lot more to learn. Hang in there and I hope your ribs heal soon. If you are eating more healthfully, that's something to pat yourself on the back about anyway.
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Thelectrawoman
    Don't give up! And, for the love of everything that's holy...put that scale away! Don't let it determine your success. Take it out once a month to check in and have your husband hide it for you. Nothing packs on the pounds like depression over an icky weigh-in.

    Thanks for the add!
