Please talk me out of the Entenmann's box



  • sweetrevenge
    Put it in the sink, run water over it and throw it away!!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate your encouragement. I'm at work, so I'm safe from the Entenmanns for another 6 hours or so. :bigsmile: Freezing or throwing them away are good ideas. I could also take them to work and put them in the break room, but I'm afraid I'd be tempted to eat them here, too.

    Especially, thanks for reminding me of my goal toward a healthy lifestyle. An occasional treat here and there is fine, but 3/4 of a Ultimate Crumb Cake definitely doesn't fit in my plan. I recently bought a bunch of pants in a smaller size (a few 10's, some are 8's - WOO HOO!!) and a new bathing suit for the summer. And I gave away a lot of my 12's. So, there is NO turning back!

    Thanks again!
  • 4me2sibiai
    Rather than just beating yourself up, why don't you eat a very small 2" piece...enough for the taste but certainly not the large portion that you are used to and then let your taste buds enjoy the taste. Sounds like you are associating "love" of the family with a cake that is usually used to "share the love". You have the ability to take three bites and then say "No more." Let your inner skinny self coach you though and remind you that the calories from that cake will make you sluggish later and that you could have had a mini meal for the same calories. It's all small choices. Do not deprive yourself, just don't let the cake have a "voice." It's cake. LOL!!! You are on this site because you care. It's your life and your choices will lead to a stronger, happier and MORE LOVING YOU.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Have one bite and throw the rest outside for the birds!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I say give it to a neighbor. Great way to build relationship as well as get it out of your house! Unless of course, you have a key to your neighbor's house and can sneak back in for a piece :laugh:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Pour washing up liquid over them...that will put you off eating them! Then admire your amazing willpower and strength! x
  • emm7905
    emm7905 Posts: 4 Member
    TRASH IT.....out of site, out of mind....and never hits the hips!:wink: