Scale experiment

skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Like alot of you I really obsess about that scale. Little changes can make or break my day. This morning I tried a little experiment and weighed myself about 6 times in 45 minutes. So....
Took a shower- up 8 ounces
Drank my coffee- up 5 ounces
Dried my hair- down 4 ounces
Had a healthy BM(eeew) - down 7 ounces
Put on my lotion- up 2 ounces
So while over all my number is the same if I had weighed at any other moment I could have been up a couple pounds which really can seem depresssing. Well I thought this was interesting:tongue:


  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    LOL Love that you did this! I do the same thing everyday. Every time I use the bathroom I weigh myself LOL I only take the first morning weight seriously, because as you have pointed out it fluctuates so much through out the day. I have gained 3 lbs in 10 min. before LOL.
  • salyha01
    salyha01 Posts: 36 Member
    I love doing this too- I think it is so interesting how the weight fluctuates! I also like to weight myself at night and in the morning to see the fluctuations. I always wonder where the weight goes over night, it's like socks in the dryer! There have been some nights that my weight has gone down like 3lbs and I always wonder how in the heck that is even possible??!?!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Couple things here. First I seriously doubt, unless you have an extremely accurate and expensive scale, that your scale is accurate to within ounces. Most home scales are accurate to within about 2 lbs, some of the better ones are accurate to within 1/2 a lb, but very few, other than commercial grade (very expensive) scales that are calibrated every week or so, are accurate to within ounces. So saying that, your scale may show ounces, but that doesn't mean it's accurate to within ounces.

    Second, I'm curious as to what you were trying to do, this isn't a criticism of the process, I think it's interesting (even if I'm not sure about the scale accuracy). All I mean by this is that it's common knowledge that the human body can fluctuate up to 4 lbs in a day one way or another, so it surprises me very little that your weight would fluctuate.

    Before this reply is taken wrongly, I'll just say that I have no problem with someone trying this experiment, and I realize that it was probably just for fun and as a little informational thing, so I'm not all that concerned that you are taking the fluctuations to seriously, but some people really do try to weigh themselves in ounces, which is (in 99% of the cases) a sign of obsessive behavior and should probably be viewed as a warning sign. (not saying you are obsessive sky, that would be extremely premature of me).

    Remember all, weight is arbitrary, it's all about body fat %!!!
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Well goodness you are very serious. My scale is a Weight Watchers Scale. It was expensive for me. I think it is very accurate in that I use it under the same conditions in the same spot every day. Maybe its not you know NASA accurate but as far as where my weights at in my own world I think it is. I wasn't really trying to DO anything just interesting for people who put so much stock in the scale to see how much it changes. Don't be a drag man.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Couple things here. First I seriously doubt, unless you have an extremely accurate and expensive scale, that your scale is accurate to within ounces. Most home scales are accurate to within about 2 lbs, some of the better ones are accurate to within 1/2 a lb, but very few, other than commercial grade (very expensive) scales that are calibrated every week or so, are accurate to within ounces. So saying that, your scale may show ounces, but that doesn't mean it's accurate to within ounces.
    Um...really? Cause I got my scale at Walmart for $30 and it measures in ounces and measures body fat. You don't have to spend tons of money to have an accurate scale, and its harder to guess your weight in two lb increments. Just thought you should know that. :flowerforyou:
    Skygoddess86, I would do that, but I'd take each gain seriously and cry if it went up. lol I've always wondered how much the weight goes up and down during the day. Your a brave to to test it for us. lol
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I knew I would be criticized for this. I expected it, so I won't be angry with the comments. I know it was done somewhat tongue in cheek, but you know what they say, "there's a grain of truth..."

    Look, I've been on MFP for a LOOOOONG time, and I've seen obsession on here come in many shapes and forms, I was just trying to point out that scales are one flawed tool among many, and you can't rely on them for short term results as the body fluctuates much to much for that to be an accurate measurement, add to that that the scales designed for home use have a standard deviation of plus or minus 2 lbs and you have the possibility for some seriously compulsive behavior.

    I think it's great that you are able to do this, and I don't fault you for doing it, all I was trying to do was to add an informational note to this thread because while you may not have a problem with scale obsession, many on here do, and it is possible (no matter how much someone may think it isn't) for someone to come away from a thread like this with an idea to weigh themselves 3 to 4 times a day and track the results. That type of behavior (which I hope we can all agree on) is destructive and not condusive to a healthy weight loss.

    I'm all for lightening the mood, and trust me, I have my fun too, and I'm sorry for derailing the mood, it's not my intention, I'm just trying to help folks out here.
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