My story...

I have never been a healthy eater for aslong as I can remember! I've always gorged on the foods you are meant to keep away from and up until the last few years have never seen any reason not to..

Since late 2010 I have put on 2stone - fast! I've always been below 10stone and had quite a slim build. Suddenly all the food I was use to eating caught up with me.. I had just started college and also started driving so the walking was cut out of my life and the weight crept up. I also got into my first serious relationship who I am still with now and have been for two years - which I must say has had effect.. Staying in, watching films and SNACKING happens a little too often. I have gotten a little too comfortable and now feel I'll never get back to ME!

I now hate my body - I am covered in stretch marks because of the dramatic weight gain which really isnt nice for a 19 year old girl.I want to feel attractive and to be able to wear what I want without having to worry about looking fat.

I dieted last year for over a month and did very well - I lost 13 pounds!! Unfortunately, I came up with a rule and said that I'd eat what I like on the weekend which was really a bad move as I then started to eat what I liked everyday and eventually put all the weight back on plus a little bit more!

I am very unfit and seriously don't know where to start to get fit. I have started going on walks.. I am slowly going to build this up to running but I know this will take some time!

I have only been dieting for just over a week and have lost 3 pounds - my weigh in day is Sunday , I have 24 pounds to go. I find it easy to cut down my food but find it hard to substitute the bad food for good food.. I always get stuck with what to have for dinner or lunch that will fill me up as I'm not a big fan on greens.

Anyway, I'm just looking for help/advice from someone whose been through and/or is going through this!! I just really need someone to help me stay motivated!!


  • vidya14
    vidya14 Posts: 3 Member
    Have faith! Everyone starts with self loathing but slowly when you see results, you know the dieting and the workout is all worth it. And babe trust me you will be able to run soon...start with jogging for a minute or two between your walks....time it. Like if you are walking for 20 minutes, start jogging after every 2minutes for a minute . This will give your body the change it requires and help you burn calories faster!
    You should be proud of yourself for starting on this!