Buying in, need some reassurance

Hi everyone
The sun is finally shining in OHIO, and baseball begins on Monday.
I have been on MFP for about 5 weeks now (2 weeks didn't count as in one I was netting about 700 per day, got schooled on that; and I was sick for 1 week). I have lost about 2 pounds.

I am earnestly trying the whole eat more concept and in some ways it is really difficult and in some ways I love it ( sleeping better, able to eat with my family, stopping seeing food as evil).
Last week I was still netting under my BMR, but this week I am hitting it (feel free to look at my diary and offer suggestions).
I went shopping yesterday and size 10 pants fit, I was a 12. I do my measurements and pictures monthly, in another 2 weeks.

This is such a change for me, but then I think maybe it will work this time as I am doing it differently.
My stats:
Age 45
From body media:
Average daily burn 2250
Average intake of 1700

Body media has my BMR at 1750, it calculated to 1450
I weigh 161.2 and want to be 145
I am 5 4 1/2

Workout 6 days a week; mainly cardio but added ST last week

