Stuck at 123 lb!



  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    I second upping your calories for a little bit. Since I have a smaller amount to lose, I tend to plateau for long periods as well. So for a week or two, I eat more calories (TDEE) or slightly above. I workout as i normally would. When I go back to restricting, I drop weight again. I seem to have to do this. Every 5/7 lbs.

    Thanks for the advice. Will give it a try!
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    Today is on Friday eat double (3280) the calories you need to maintain.Go back to maintenance the next day which is probably around 1640. You'll weigh more for a few days which is just water retention.

    Do different exercises. Resistance training with bands, lifting free weights, even just running on a different terrain. This new exercise routine should start Saturday.

    Please explain your theory behind this.

    Your body gets used to things and it adapts. Same 'theory' as the HIIT fad. You need to 'shock' your body to keep it active every now and then. Look at my diary for March 2nd. I don't recommend eating sugary things to increase your calories, but that's what I do and it works for me.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Today is on Friday eat double (3280) the calories you need to maintain.Go back to maintenance the next day which is probably around 1640. You'll weigh more for a few days which is just water retention.

    Do different exercises. Resistance training with bands, lifting free weights, even just running on a different terrain. This new exercise routine should start Saturday.

    Please explain your theory behind this.

    Your body gets used to things and it adapts. Same 'theory' as the HIIT fad. You need to 'shock' your body to keep it active every now and then. Look at my diary for March 2nd. I don't recommend eating sugary things to increase your calories, but that's what I do and it works for me.

    So eat healthy but eat double?
  • Reeceybaby1988
    so much bad advice in one thread!

    read this:

    lift heavy and eat TDEE - 10% and get enought protein

    that is it!
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    Just try things out and see what works for you. I'm just giving advice for what has worked for me. In the end, there's no correct way to do things.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'd love to be stuck at 123 lbs
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    so much bad advice in one thread!

    read this:

    lift heavy and eat TDEE - 10% and get enought protein

    that is it!

    When people say lift heavy how heavy is that?
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    Stuck at 123? What are you trying to do?
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Stuck at 123? What are you trying to do?

    Trying to get back down to the weight i was a few years ago. 115lb. I'm 5'4 and that looked healthy on me.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    so much bad advice in one thread!

    read this:

    lift heavy and eat TDEE - 10% and get enought protein

    that is it!

    When people say lift heavy how heavy is that?

    Heavy is whatever you find heavy. If you find squating 100 lbs while maintaining proper form is heavy then that's heavy. You can't compare yourself to anyone else in that aspect. Push yourself to your personal max.

    That's what i'm doing at the moment. I'm mixing cardio with weights every other day.
  • islandgirl76_
    islandgirl76_ Posts: 86 Member
    Yes, the closer you get to goal, the harder it is to lose a pound. I am 5"4" 124 pounds and 23% BF and I totally understand how you want to lose a few more!

    Have you read about carb cycling? There's a book called Choose to Lose by Chris Powell and I'm sure there are others as well. Basically every day you eat protein & "good" carbs for breakfast and then every other day you eat protein and carbs and the other days you eat protein and healthy fats. I know it sounds kind of gimmicky, but there is a scientific explanation. As a former paleo/low carb eater, this was a lot easier for me that a total carb reload.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    Yes, the closer you get to goal, the harder it is to lose a pound. I am 5"4" 124 pounds and 23% BF and I totally understand how you want to lose a few more!

    Have you read about carb cycling? There's a book called Choose to Lose by Chris Powell and I'm sure there are others as well. Basically every day you eat protein & "good" carbs for breakfast and then every other day you eat protein and carbs and the other days you eat protein and healthy fats. I know it sounds kind of gimmicky, but there is a scientific explanation. As a former paleo/low carb eater, this was a lot easier for me that a total carb reload.

    Will check it out. Thanks! :)
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    I think we have the same BMI. I'm 1 inch shorter than you and weigh a little less. I don't think you need to lose weight. Depending on how old you are. The 115 you once had is probably because you were young back then and your body matured. I used to weigh less too when I was a teen of course. If you're body fat is 26% you just need to tone and not focus on losing weight too much. Changing your body composition would give you a better look than just plainly losing weight.
  • fevermaps
    fevermaps Posts: 162 Member
    I think we have the same BMI. I'm 1 inch shorter than you and weigh a little less. I don't think you need to lose weight. Depending on how old you are. The 115 you once had is probably because you were young back then and your body matured. I used to weigh less too when I was a teen of course. If you're body fat is 26% you just need to tone and not focus on losing weight too much. Changing your body composition would give you a better look than just plainly losing weight.

    Yeah you're right. I don't really care about the number on the scale if i can tone myself up. How many calories are you eating a day?
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    Sorry - but I haven't seen that number in YEARS! I get we all have our thresholds though - good luck :)
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    How tall are you, and how much are you wanting to lose? At 126 pounds, I cant imagine you being overweight.

    I'm 123lb i'm 5'4 and i am not overweight but i could definitely lose a few more pounds. Want to get down to my goal weight of 115lb which is what i was a few years ago.

    This sounds like it's still a healthy weight for you. To be honest you may want to start ignoring the scales and start working on exercising to tone your body and you could find that's all you need.
    It may feel like you still need to lose a few more pounds but it may be that you need to gain a little on building muscle to tone your body up to get the desired effect!
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    so much bad advice in one thread!

    read this:

    lift heavy and eat TDEE - 10% and get enough protein

    that is it!
