Just Not Hungry

Hi All. I have a lot of life altering events going on in my life right now. I am dealing with everything the best way that I know how, but I'm just plain not hungry. I have averaged 1000 calories per day for the last few days (MFP says I should be on 1300 calories/day and every day says that I have a chance of going into starvation mode). I don't want everything going on to slow down or worse stop my weight loss, but if I don't feel like eating, I figure why force myself. All it does is make me feel nauseated anyway. I'm not trying to starve myself for attention, etc. I just literally don't feel like eating and I'm not hungry. Does anyone have any thoughts on whether this is going to affect my loss and what to do about it? Thanks in advance!!


  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    First: *hugs* Please take care of yourself.

    Secondly, yes, it's important to get those calories in. Having it happen now and then isn't going to be a big deal, but already at three days and potentially ongoing... Your body will try to protect itself and slow down your metabolism. Eventually you're going to feel like eating more calories again, but your body isn't going to immediately understand. It's just dumb meat, reacting to what you do to it :)

    No reason to stuff yourself just for the sake of it, but there are many options for more calorie dense foods. Nuts are a really good option, and using full fat dairy if you aren't already would help too. You're only looking to add a couple hundred more calories so it really won't be that hard-- a banana will get you halfway there. I find KIND bars to be delicious. Have just a smidge more of each thing you're already eating.